Your personal goals are yours and yours alone.

Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2024

My stubbornness is a blessing, also a curse.

Because it drives everyone around me, completely crazy.

When I want to do something or believe in something, it takes an army to shake my senses.

Last night, my mother reminded me of that one strange period time of my life when I wanted to lose weight.

I set a military boot camp schedule for myself,

6 AM — 9 AM: Lifting, shower, breakfast.

9 AM — Start Working.

11 AM — Lunch

Anytime before 3 PM — Dinner.

6 PM — back to the gym for cardio exercise.

Absolutely no food after 3 PM.

I followed that schedule for more than a year. Nothing could interfere — even when I went out the night before and got completely wasted, I would still show up at the gym in the morning.

The thing that impressed my mother the most was my ability to say No to any food after 3 PM, even when we went out to eat, I would simply sip my drink and watch everyone else enjoy their food.

I’d lost so much weight in that period that my family and friends were in shock.

A few things I have learned in Tracy Military boot camp:

1. Your mind is simply a computer.

After the first 3 months of training myself to wake up early, I no longer need any alarm to wake me up in the morning, even until now.

The same thing I do for my writing routine:

  • I’ve trained myself to write at a certain time, and every time I sit down with myself, my brain and hands simply know what to do.
  • On the days that I don’t feel like writing, I practice handwriting copywriting to trick my brain and my hands into the creating process.

2. Your body is a powerful machine.

After a few months of training, my body became accustomed to feeling the muscle pains, to the point where it craved them. Each day, at the same hour, my body automatically headed to the gym for its daily dose of muscle discomfort.

Until now, even when I no longer follow the workout routine or my eating schedule, my body is still set for a range of weight.

3. My stubbornness is my strength.

When I was younger, my stubbornness used to drive my parents completely crazy — also all my ex-boyfriends. (Maybe until now.)

Whenever I want to do something, I never ask for anyone’s opinion, I simply do it. Sometimes I don’t even let them interfere with my personal goals — Your personal goals are yours and yours alone.

But I’ve accomplished the things I set myself out to do — sometimes my accomplishment has nothing to do with the material gains, but the self-confidence and self-reassurance that I can achieve anything, if I want to.

One thing I think that makes my parents proud is that they believe I’ve lived a life worth writing about.

Thank you for reading 💛

My name is Tracy Ly, the author of Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter , the owner of The dreaming Tree Publication House.

I’m glad you read my article and I hope my words find you in time of need.

A couple of my friends think of me as the World-Championship Day-dreamer because I live in my thoughts and dreams more than in life. Maybe life is nothing but our bubble of thoughts and dreams. I love sharing my experiences to the world, hoping that my words somehow make people feel less alone, as writing them does to me.

I write a lot about love, and relationships because I’ve learned valuable lessons about myself and others through the relationships I’ve had in my life. I hope you will resonate on a deeper level with my words and experiences.

If you love reading my words, please do me a honor and subscribe to Oncloudcyy’s Newsletter - the sanctuary I’ve created for all dreamers, whose thoughts take flight on the clouds. And who needs Cloud Nine for dreams when you’re soaring high #Oncloudcyy?

You can also show me support by buying me a strawberry latte 🍓☕️.

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P.S : I hope you stay a little longer, and enjoy learning the world through the lenses of a day-dreamer ☁️



Tracy Ly
The Dreaming Tree

World Championship Day-dreamer who turns thoughts into words, from the mind to the heart 💛