The parents’ guide to setting up Family Sharing on iPhone

Nathan Drescher
The Drescher Drop
Published in
8 min readSep 18, 2023

You’re about to step into the wonderful world of Family Sharing on your trusty iPhone. It’s like gathering your digital clan around a virtual campfire, only without the marshmallow mess. But before we dive into the nuts and bolts of this family-friendly feature, let’s address a burning question: Ever tried sharing your sandwich with a pet Labrador? Well, Family Sharing is like that, but with apps, music, and a lot fewer slobbered crumbs.

What’s this Family Sharing thing, anyway?

With Family Sharing, you and your family can share a buffet of digital delights, from apps and movies to music and more. It’s like having a tech-powered picnic where everyone gets their favorite sandwich without any squabbles.

You can even share your calendar events, which means no more awkwardly scheduling your family gatherings on WhatsApp and hoping everyone remembers. Plus, photo album sharing is a breeze, so you can relive that unforgettable trip to the Grand Canyon without passing your phone around like a hot potato.

Jamming together and saving space

With Apple Music sharing, you can curate the ultimate family playlist without your teenager giving you the “You just don’t get my music, Mom” eye-roll. And when it comes to storage, you’ll love iCloud sharing. No more dodging the “Storage Almost Full” notifications because you can pool your iCloud storage and breathe easy knowing that all those precious family photos and documents have a cozy digital home. You can even set files and folders to be shared across the family, or just to stay private for yourself.

The cherry on top: purchase sharing

When you set up Family Sharing, you can share each other’s app, music, movie, and book purchases without buying them multiple times. That means you can indulge in that new thriller novel, and your teenager can try out the latest gaming app — all without breaking the bank. It’s like having your own digital lending library.

Setting up the family squad

We’ll kick things off by setting up our Family Group. Think of it as choosing the captain for our family’s digital spaceship. I’ll help you pick the right one.

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and tap on the “Settings” app. It looks like a gear icon, and you’ll find it on your home screen.

Step 2: Tap on Your Name

  • Scroll down and tap on your name at the top of the Settings menu. This takes you to your Apple ID settings.

Step 3: Access Family Sharing

  • In your Apple ID settings, tap on “Family Sharing.” It’s a blue icon with two people, and it’s right below your name.

Step 4: Set Up Family Sharing

  • Tap on “Set Up Your Family” to initiate the Family Sharing setup process.

Now it is time to invite the the family crew aboard the starship. Here’s how:

Step 5: Invite Family Members

  • You’ll have the option to invite family members via iMessage or by sending them an invitation link. Choose your preferred method.
  • If you’re sending invitations via iMessage, select the contacts you want to invite and tap “Send.” If you’re using an invitation link, you can share it through various apps or methods like email.

Step 6: Confirm Payment Method

  • Confirm your payment method for purchases made by family members. This payment method will be used for any shared purchases, such as apps or Apple Music subscriptions.

Step 7: Share Your Location (Optional)

  • You can choose to share your location with family members. This can be helpful for location sharing and tracking family members. If you want to enable this, tap “Share Your Location” and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 8: Set Up Ask to Buy (Optional)

  • If you have children in your Family Sharing group, you can enable “Ask to Buy.” This feature allows parents to approve or decline purchases made by their children. You can enable it for each child family member individually.

Step 9: Confirm Family Sharing

  • Review the Family Sharing settings and make sure everything is set up as you want it.
  • Once you’re satisfied, tap “Add Family Member” to send the invitations and complete the setup.

Step 10: Invited Members Accept

  • The family members you’ve invited will receive invitations and should accept them to join your Family Sharing group. They’ll need to follow the on-screen instructions to accept the invitation and set up their own Apple IDs if they don’t already have one.

Divvying up the loot

Now it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of family sharing — sharing apps, music, movies, iCloud storage, and more.

Step 1: Access Family Sharing Settings

  • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  • Tap on your name at the top of the Settings menu to access your Apple ID settings.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Family Sharing.”

Step 2: Choose What to Share

  • In the Family Sharing settings, you’ll see a list of different types of content you can share. These typically include Apps, Apple Music, Movies & TV Shows, Books, and iCloud Storage. Tap on the category you want to configure sharing settings for.

Step 3: Configure Share Settings for Apps

  • For Apps, you can enable or disable app sharing. When enabled, family members can share purchased apps. Toggle the switch to turn it on or off.

Step 4: Configure Share Settings for Books

  • For Books, you can enable or disable book sharing. When enabled, family members can share purchased books from the Apple Books app. Toggle the switch to turn it on or off.

Step 5: Configure Share Settings for Movies & TV Shows

  • For Movies & TV Shows, you can enable or disable sharing of purchased movies and TV shows from the Apple TV app. Toggle the switch to turn it on or off.

Step 6: Configure Share Settings for Apple Music

  • For Apple Music, you can enable or disable sharing of an Apple Music subscription. When enabled, family members can access Apple Music with their own accounts. Toggle the switch to turn it on or off.

Step 7: Configure Share Settings for iCloud Storage

  • For iCloud Storage, you can set up family sharing of iCloud storage plans. This allows family members to share the same iCloud storage plan, helping everyone save space. To set this up:
  • Tap on “iCloud Storage” in Family Sharing settings.
  • Select the plan you want to share (e.g., 200GB or 2TB).
  • Tap “Share with Family” and confirm your selection.

Step 8: Confirm Share Settings

  • After configuring share settings for each category, review your choices and make sure they are set up as you want them.

That’s it! You’ve successfully configured share settings for apps, books, movies, songs, and iCloud storage in Apple Family Sharing. Your family members will now be able to access and enjoy the shared content based on the settings you’ve chosen.

Managing the Fam

Adding members to your Apple Family Sharing group is a breeze. You can invite family members to join by sending them an invitation link or through iMessage. Once they accept, they’re officially part of your digital clan.

Now, about those roles — think of them like assigning jobs in your family game night. You, as the organizer, have the big say in who gets to be what. You can designate another adult as an organizer (yes, you can share the power), or you can assign them the role of a parent or guardian.

For the younger ones, you can set them as a child. And, if you’ve got teenagers with expensive taste, enabling “Ask to Buy” for them might be a sanity-saver. It’s all about keeping harmony in your digital household.

The art of digital diplomacy

In this high-tech age, maintaining peace in your digital family isn’t just about avoiding arguments over the TV remote. It’s about setting some ground rules and expectations. Communication is your secret weapon.

Talk to your family members about what’s shareable, what’s not, and how to respect each other’s digital space. “Ask to Buy” can be a helpful tool for parents to approve or decline purchases made by their kids, preventing accidental app shopping sprees.

So, whether it’s a shared app, a family calendar event, or a borrowed movie, a little digital diplomacy goes a long way in keeping the peace and making your Apple Family Sharing experience a harmonious one.

Troubleshooting — because tech can be an a-hole sometimes

Even in the world of tech, we all experience a hiccup or two from time to time. But don’t you worry; I’ve got your back with some trusty troubleshooting tips to keep your Family Sharing adventure on the smoothest digital track.

1. Syncing Woes: If you notice that your shared calendar events aren’t syncing as they should or your family members can’t access shared content, start by checking your internet connection. A stable Wi-Fi or cellular connection can work wonders. If that doesn’t solve the issue, try signing out of iCloud and signing back in. It’s like hitting the reset button, but for your iCloud sync.

2. The Case of Missing Purchases: If a shared app, movie, or song seems to have gone AWOL, don’t panic. It might be a simple case of re-downloading it. Head over to the App Store, Apple Music, or Apple TV app, and check your purchased history. You might find your missing treasure hiding in there.

3. Permission Glitches: “Ask to Buy” can sometimes get a bit too enthusiastic and decline a legitimate purchase request. If this happens, don’t worry. You, as the organizer, can review and approve those requests manually in your Family Sharing settings. It’s like being the gatekeeper of your digital castle.

4. Smooth Sailing with Family Sharing Life Hacks: Now, let’s sprinkle some life hacks on this tech salad. Use Family Sharing as an opportunity to discuss digital etiquette with your family members. Teach them to manage their iCloud storage to avoid “Storage Almost Full” nightmares. And here’s a bonus: set up Family Sharing for your Apple TV to enjoy shared content on the big screen during cozy family movie nights.

With these troubleshooting tips and life hacks, your Apple Family Sharing experience will be smoother than a fresh jar of peanut butter.

Family sharing Jedi mind tricks for parents

Let’s dive into the realm of Family Sharing and parental controls — a pairing as iconic as peanut butter and jelly. It’s all about maintaining that delicate balance in our tech-savvy family life while ensuring our young Padawans navigate the digital galaxy safely.

1. The Power of Screen Time: Imagine having the Force on your side when it comes to managing your kids’ screen time. Well, with Apple’s Screen Time feature, you practically do. You can set daily limits for app and device usage, schedule downtime, and even block inappropriate content. It’s like having a digital babysitter that doesn’t need bathroom breaks.

2. Guiding the Digital Path: As parents, we want our children to explore the digital world safely. With parental controls in Family Sharing, you can review and approve app downloads and in-app purchases made by your kids through “Ask to Buy.” It’s your lightsaber in the fight against unexpected credit card charges from accidental purchases.

3. Family-Friendly Content: Family Sharing also extends its protective embrace to your family’s digital library. You can ensure that only age-appropriate content is accessible by setting up content restrictions. No more stumbling upon movies or apps that are a bit too mature for your younglings.

4. Location Sharing and Safety: Remember that part about keeping an eye on your kids’ location? Well, with Family Sharing, it’s easier than ever. You can track your children’s whereabouts, helping you ensure they’re safe and sound, just like Obi-Wan Kenobi watching over Luke Skywalker.

In this digital age, these parental Jedi mind tricks, when combined with Family Sharing, allow you to navigate the complexities of technology while preserving family harmony. It’s all about embracing the digital Force and using it for good in your family’s tech-savvy journey. May the tech be with you, always!

