Nicki Minaj’s Verse on New Body as an Allegory for Repentance

I come pleading that my hands don’t run they mouth

Sadiyah Bashir
The Drinking Gourd
2 min readDec 4, 2020


Image: an assortment of prayer mats laid out on the floor.

I sink my head into a hard sujood,
I trade tears for reversion.
I ask save me my Lord,
I do not want the smoke.
I come pleading that my hands don’t run they mouth
When my mouth has to accept its silence

First I ask Allah to forgive me and this body,
Then I ask my body to forgive me and it’s heart.

This is not about the sin done but rather the body that comes skipping to the ameen.

My head upright
Heart facing its mirror anew.

They see me shining
And when they come to remind me,
Of my old body,
And they will come for
God loves the reminders
I will tell them to lick my skin and notice no salt there.
And they will mention how my stanza came after his,
And I will remind them I had the better verse.

“What if he takes you off?”
My body doesn’t remember the songs I’ve made for these men.
I am a mother now.
I have given birth to this new frame.
My sons know who they are.
And as I exist in forgiveness, I forgive them for suckling and not saying thank you.

And as my heart remembers,
I will kiss it
Tell her we are past it
A new man will come and sing its hook and begin his verse.
The song has ended and we have promised God to never go back
And when they come again to remind me,
Of my old body,
And they will come for
God loves the reminders

And I say new body
who this?

Image: Sadiyah Bashir standing at a podium. She is wearing a black top, gold necklace, and brown-printed turban.

Sadiyah Bashir is a freelance writer and poet. Her poetry has been showcased on various media such as: Al-Jazeera, Apple, and UNICEF. Her first self-published book entitled “Seven” explores trauma and triumph through the lens of Black Muslim womanhood.

