they say to name a thing is to will it into

Animashaun Ameen
The Drinking Gourd
Apr 23, 2021


Image: multi-colored butterfly kite flying in clear blue sky. Photo by Andrea Junqueira on Unsplash.

i am in an open field, running, legless; a kite
transmogrifying into a bird transmogrifying into
God’s greatest dream. reality slowly warping
itself into a blackhole of possibilities. for the
first time in my life, i feel i can be anything.
they say to name a thing is to will it into
existence. in this poem, i name myself alive
because i want to be. i am — because i am meant to
be. in another language, a kite is also a bird.

Image: Animashaun Ameen looks into the camera with one hand resting on his cheek. He’s wearing a dark shirt with white splatters. He has a shaved head and goatee. The image is in black-and-white.

Animashaun Ameen is a poet and essayist. His writings are mostly centered on memory, sexuality, and identity. His works have appeared/forthcoming in Roadrunner Review, Stone of Madness Press, Perhappened Magazine, EroGospel, and elsewhere. He lives and writes from Lagos, Nigeria. An oddball. A butterfly. He tweets @AmeenAnimashaun

