We Might Be the Last Generation to Die (and that sucks)

Dan Conway
The Drone
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2016

There are enough geniuses out there to explain the specifics, but it is increasingly clear that advancements in bio science will allow future generations to live to be 150 years old, maybe longer. And just on the horizon, due to Moore’s Law and exponential gains in computing power, there are even greater milestones. The Singularity will make many things possible, including the ability to port our brains into a computer paired with a human-like robot, allowing us to exist in perpetuity.

The good news for us parents is that our young children will benefit from these advancements. It would be GREAT NEWS if Gen Xers like me were included in this bounty. The thought of my children benefiting is awesome, but I won’t be jumping for joy until Daddy gets a piece of the action.

As John Kerry famously said, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam?” Other than running to Canada, which was at least an option in that situation, we have very few today. The speed of technical advancement is largely out of our individual control.

The most important thing we can do is take care of our bodies. Wouldn’t it suck to be diagnosed with diabetes and get eliminated from the immortality pool a few weeks before you get the vaccine or start your energy treatments, or whatever they might call it?

I’m 44 right now. It’s reasonable to assume that some breakthrough will happen by the time I’m 74, right? I just have to eat enough chia seeds and do enough monotonous lap swimming until then. And get 14 hours of sleep and drink 9 gallons of water by noon, etc.

This gives me a sudden new appreciation for the Millennial geniuses who seem to be ruling the economy. In normal times, I scoffed at this generation while simultaneously trying to find a seat on the gravy train. Now they have my unconditional support. I will even give them their own special ribbons. So get on it Lance, Sabrina and Toto. Hack life, you little bastards! (quickly, please).

Finally, I’d like to say something for posterity.

Please know that I would have been a great man in the 23rd Century.

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