Why did I make a blog about dropping out of school?

Riku Ruokonen
The Dropout
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

When I got my first job from the tech-field, I entered the world of questions, challenges and unrealistic odds towards me. I was immediately hooked.

I was 4 months into my studies, so basically, 80% of the tasks were too much or too demanding considering my experience. I was thrown into the arena, where hardcore engineers and businessmen played. Those guys were the top of their league when I wasn’t even born. And they treated me as an equal.

I loved that. I felt the heat underneath me. This was like the deep end of the pool, where you had to learn how to swim. Or to drown with style.

I started firing off questions, wondering how things worked and just trying to do my best. There was a ton of information and new technologies to grasp. On top of that, I got assigned to a big and well-known project. Soon I was at the driver seat of the front-end development. I was legitimately scared.

Even when I tried to hide it, my total lack of experience was showing to everybody. Thank god, nobody cared. They just cared about one thing.

Putting yourself out there.

I felt urgent need to put all my chips into this. I chose to freeze my studies in University, in order to work as a full-time consultant, knowing well I might look like a total idiot while doing that.

Call it an idiotism or an inspiration, here I am documenting this choice. I want to offer you an idea of what it feels like to work in IT, without an academic background and starting from a scratch. Because when I started about a year ago, I really would have needed some brutal information and comparison between the academic world and the working world. The learning curve is totally different and different attributes matter here and there.

So should you also call it quits and focus on learning while actually working on the field? Why did I even ditch my studies? I think I have to make a new post about that. So hang on and don’t skip your courses yet!

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The writer is a Software Developer and a Consultant, based in Helsinki, Finland.



Riku Ruokonen
The Dropout

Software Developer and a Consultant. Interested in front-end technologies. Likes working in a customer interface.