First Guest — Podcasting

The Drunken Ramblings Podcast
4 min readJan 9, 2021

An interview with podcast powerhouse Reggie from The Financial Coconut

Somewhere along my journey into podcasting, I realized a need to create content differently. Most podcasters are famous first before jumping into podcasting while we had the struggle of being absolute nobodies. The problem then arises, why would people give a shit about you?

Long-story short, if we at The Drunken Ramblings Podcast, continued to only do updates & current affairs content, we will struggle to go far. There is no point in doing content as nobodies when famous people are doing the same. We’d simply get lost in the abyss of the podcasting world.

As you can see we are a basic setup. We don’t do much nor did we expect much out of this podcast. We didn’t do it for the money but for the love of one of a kind discussions.

I also wanted to create a community for podcasting in Singapore. Something I realized, as somebody who listens to podcasts like my heart beats, that there is a lack of a “support culture” on this side of the world. You rarely see businesses reaching out to help “competitors” as most take a very dog eat dog philosophy. I wanted to create a community where podcasters reached out to each other, go on each other’s podcasts without desire for financial reward and all that, but to have great conversations and help each other.

Support. That is what will help everybody move forward together and prevent large corporations from monopolizing podcasting.

It took a little courage to reach out to our first guest. Reggie from The Financial Coconut, a Financial Literacy Podcast from Singapore.

Why did it take courage?

Just like any new business, it’s unnatural to shamelessly reach out to people to ask for things. Especially when you know there could be no real return on their end.

Truth is, like a lot of things, wanting to get somewhere requires a very don’t ask don’t get philosophy. One not everybody lives by and one that is a hard to do day in day out. But it is 110% one that will ensure that you do not live life filled with regrets and “what ifs”.

So I reached out. I dropped them a message, barely gave any details and to his credit, he accepted. Knowing full well he was more likely going to be giving more than receiving. Something till today I appreciate fully.

How did we prepare for the episode?

I was already an avid listener of the podcast. So I had a whole list of things in my mind. I was certain I did not want to cover topics that he already does on his own podcast, so I told the boys to avoid anything financial related unless our conversation flows there.

What I wanted to create was to first find our footing and our voice with guests. Then, more importantly, make it about the guest. Learn about him, how he/she clicks & thinks and let me tell you, Reggie is somebody that is not going anywhere. He is younger than all of us but smarter, more hardworking and way more successful in many ways. As an entrepreneur, he is going to be up there with the big boys in years to come.

Being a podcaster already, he was obviously great at talking. He has a great voice, he used words well and knew how to phrase things without dragging too long. He did not have many uhhhhhhs and his experience was there for us to see.

When it came to stories to share, we prepared a rough spine and flow but wanted the conversation to remain free flowing. It should in no way be structured or planned. This was and will be important to us with this podcast. Unfiltered conversations. If you are reading from a Western world, aside from politics, you might not understand the importance of this but in most Asian societies, structure is required especially if it is seen as media/marketing in some form.

You can listen to the conversation here:

What did I think of the episode?

This episode was raw. Of course we could improve and learned a lot from the conversation with Reggie. Every episode we try to improve and have done so to the best of our ability. In fact, the conversation went on for hours after the podcast ended.

It was honestly one of the eye opening experiences and I truly feel that I made a new friend. Writing this a couple months later, I still talk to Reggie very regularly and we have plans on doing some things together on the side. I believe that podcasting will allow us to meet some amazing people from Singapore, hopefully overseas, and create long lasting relationships with them for years to come.

Thankful? 100%. An experience I will never take for granted.

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For feedback, suggestions, anything really.




The Drunken Ramblings Podcast

Written from an Asian perspective. My opinions. My view. My perspective. My experiences. My side of the coin.