Something Private, hit’s the spot once again.

The Drunken Ramblings Podcast
3 min readMar 3, 2021

The topic for the launch of their Season 4 was about Egg Freezing. A topic that to be frank, as a man, has never once crossed my mind. Having only heard about it predominantly from Western media. I automatically assumed that it was a norm of society. Do give the episode a watch on youtube & give them a subscribe. You will learn something. Trust me.

I have actually considered donating my sperm for money. Something I thought I could make money with lol because I consume so much American movies. I was disappointed to find out that it was totally different in Singapore and I would not make a cent! Tamade! I was still young, so I didn’t think much of it. I brushed it off as “just another thing in Singapore”. Little did I know there was far more to what I’d say is a massive overlapping topic. The topic of adopting children, etc, will likely all fall into this category and slowly but surely, I believe each will be challenged.

The PAP’s Louis NG even addressed a similar issue just today on a topic that relates. I feel that it is fantastic to have allies like that in the parliament who dare to speak up on policies that are “forgotten”. These incredibly judgmental policies are highly detrimental for the social/culture of the country in the long-term. I’d say that I doubt any of these policies were created out of bad intention, but rather from outdated methods of thinking as well as a failure to just stay updated.

This comes down to a constant failure to understand that human beings are emotional complex creatures and not 24/7 logical robots.

Once again, give the episode a listen! & Check out their brand new website!

Learning that governments has made “social egg freezing” illegal came as a total shock to me while listening to the episode. I am shocked still and I actually felt sad about what I just learned. Something I find myself doing more and more while listening to Something Private Pod. Credit to Nicole & her team at Grand Father Story because this podcast is golden.

A few weeks back, we had the privilege to have Nicole on our podcast for a little chat. One thing I realized when I was talking to her was that at her age, she was far more open minded, level-headed & mature compared to myself & everybody I knew at my age. This new generation is strong and their wave throughout our society will be felt with a force & will unlikely be something that can be ignored.

Being the boomer-thinking people that we are, we failed to snap that many photos with her.

We spoke about a bunch of things from dating, our different upbringings, and some of the topics on her podcast, but most important of all, we learned about the star of the show! It was nice to have a chat and learn about how the show got started, what pushes her, etc. Something I hope to do with podcasters more often!

Throughout the podcast, I found myself thinking far more than I usually would before speaking. Not because she was rude or snippy or uppity in any way. But because I could feel the genuine consideration in her words before speaking which made me I feel that I too needed to rethink how I used words and say things. Especially in this new world that we are navigating. I am not saying that we will change who we are from this interaction, but it was a nice learning experience for both Joel & myself simply because we never really met somebody like Nicole. This was a conversation that I really really enjoyed.

Comparing our colored tattoos

In the end this episode made me realize how important it was to just keep learning, growing and going & try my very best to create quality content.

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The Drunken Ramblings Podcast

Written from an Asian perspective. My opinions. My view. My perspective. My experiences. My side of the coin.