Dundee Culture Interviews: Atlas Blair

Andrew Batchelor interviews Emily McLean, a singer who goes by the stage name Atlas Blair, and asks her about her beginnings, her newest single and her exciting plans for the future!

Andrew Batchelor
Dundee Culture
10 min readJul 12, 2023


The music scene is buzzing in Dundee at the moment after the city successfully hosted BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend in May. But, it isn’t all happening in Dundee, because in London, there is an artist from the city who is aiming to go big.

Meet Emily McLean, professionally known as Atlas Blair, who moved to London from Dundee to pursue a music career. Although she may have moved away, she still keeps Dundee in her heart.

I talked with Emily to discuss all things from creating music to talking about what she misses from Dundee.

DC — Dundee Culture: Hello Emily, thank you for talking with me today, it’s great to meet you! I wanted to start by asking what inspired you to be a musician?

AB — Atlas Blair: Growing up, I was so fortunate to come from an incredibly creative and supportive family. Both of my parents were in bands when they were younger, with my dad being an incredible songwriter and my mum being a magical singer — so our house was always full of music!

When I was wee, probably around 5, my parents were also both involved with Downfield Musical Society and The Whitehall Theatre; and I would beg them to take me to all the Sound Spectacular rehearsals. I was never really intimidated by the idea of being around a group of adults — I just wanted to sing, so that’s what I did!

The Whitehall Theatre also introduced me to my favourite musical of all time, We Will Rock You. My mum was a backing vocalist for the show, and I remember sitting singing Somebody To Love during rehearsals while playing with my toys; the cast shocked that I knew all the words! I credit a lot of my love of the stage and performing to The Whitehall Theatre and my parents.

Emily moved to London from Dundee at just age 17

DC: It’s great to see you bring Dundee’s cultural assests there, was there anything from Dundee which helped fuel your love for music?

AB: From a wider Dundee perspective, I have always felt we really embrace our City of Culture status which has made me feel like I will always be supported by the Dundee community while perusing my music. People here love to get involved with the arts and we really celebrate and take pride in having so many arts-related opportunities!

Events such as the Dundee Dance Event encourage people of all ages to sing and dance; incredible theatres like The Rep and The Whitehall where each year we are so fortunate to have some truly magical performances; and of course, recently The Big Weekend just blew everyone away. I also want to give a special shout out to Dundee Pride which has been happening.

Living in a large city like London, I have seen so many incredible unique and diverse people be openly accepted and embraced. I think it is incredible that a small city like Dundee has put on such an amazing Pride event and given LGBTQAI+ artists the love and respect for their talents that they so massively deserve.

Atlas Blair’s All Choked Up clocked thousands of listens in the space of 48 hours

DC: Dundee recently hosted The Big Weekend and the music scene is buzzing at the moment. What did you make of it and seeing it held in your home city?

AB: The first word that comes to mind is — Wow! As I previously mentioned, Dundee really takes pride in culture, and as Dundonians we all know this. However, I feel hosting The Big Weekend really put us on the map and lets the world know about who we are! Baby me would have been starstruck to see artists like Lewis Capaldi and Anne Marie on the stage in my home city, so I am just so excited to see all the rising Dundee stars over the next 10 years who will look back and credit The Big Weekend as a massive inspiration for them to pursue their dreams! I think it’s so important for children to know that with hard work and belief anything is possible; so, seeing these stars essentially in the back garden would have been a fantastic way to keep their dreams alive! I will say though, going forward I want to see more Dundee artists celebrated! We have the talent so let’s get more Dundee musicians up on that stage next time!

DC: You moved to London from Dundee at age 17 to start a music career. As a teenager, what was that like, how did you adjust and what did you immediately miss from home?

AB: Oh my gosh, I would love to start this question really profoundly, but I have to be honest — other than my friends and family the thing I immediately missed from home was Dr Noodles! My obsession with Dr Noodles runs incredibly deep and as a wee fun fact about me: Every time I return to Dundee the FIRST thing I do is go to Dr Noodles! You cannot beat the chicken satay noodle box so shout out to my fav restaurant ever! If you ever want to sponsor a singer… Dr Noodles I’m your gal!

In all seriousness, moving was tough. I was ready to experience life out of Dundee, knowing I had everyone’s support and knowing I can come home often enough that I don’t feel too homesick. However, no one could have prepared me for the culture shock!

I gained a real sense of independence very quickly: no one is there to hold your hand when you get lost in Bank station; no one chats on the tubes like we all do in Dundee on the buses going into town. I left Dundee feeling like a bigger fish — comfortable and content in my city but looking for more, and it took me a lot of time in London to realise who I was and what I was doing there!

There were times I felt like giving up, it’s not easy not knowing anyone; but Covid gave me the opportunity to spend time with my family and reflect on my learning through my song writing, so I was able to go back to London stronger than ever and now I haven’t looked back!

London is a beautiful place, it’s magical and has a large piece of my heart. The opportunities are endless, and I have met so many incredible people such as my partner, Cenk, my vocal coach, Rachel, and my producer, Imad. However, one of my greatest loves for London actually is the fact that it made me appreciate Dundee so much more and has given me a larger respect and attachment to my home city.

Whenever someone asks me where I am from — I’m always so proud to say “Dundee, Scotland!”

DC: Your new song, ‘ALL CHOKED UP’, reached over 1,000 streams within 48 hours. What were you like when that counter hit that mark in that short time?

People that know me probably won’t believe this as I can usually speak for Scotland — however I was genuinely speechless! My producer and I had discussed our aims for my debut single and he had said anything above 1,000 streams on Spotify in general would be amazing so I just assumed that would be a more long-term goal!

When on day one it had already passed 500 streams there was a buzz inside me because I just felt so emotional and grateful for everyone’s support! I had already felt like a winner, and then to realise on day two it was ACTUALLY going to happen… ALL CHOKED UP was ACTUALLY going to already hit over 1,000.

I think that’s when the whole emotional experience really hit me! I was in the gym at the time so luckily my PT was there to make sure I didn’t drop any weights from the excitement!

I really just want to take this moment to thank everyone in Dundee. I have had local businesses such as the beautiful Coffee and Co supporting me, my high school Dundee High giving me their love, and of course all the Dundonians supporting and cheering me on. It’s been unbelievable!

DC: What was the process like whilst writing and producing ALL CHOKED UP and what was the inspiration behind it?

ALL CHOKED UP came to me during a difficult time we can all relate to — the Covid pandemic!

I was reflecting on the summer of 2019 and how I went interrailing around Europe, and, was really just feeling down about the fact that all the best parts of summer weren’t going to happen that year! No summer holidays, no parties, no summer romances which is most people’s highlights of the year!

Shortly after, I was having a shower and humming when the idea started to form. I always have my phone on me so I can voice note any ideas on the go, so I clicked record and started making it up in the shower! If you listen to the voice note, the chorus actually didn’t really change at all from that very first improvisation! It just all fell into place. As soon as I was dressed, I ran to the piano and laid out the chords… and ALL CHOKED UP was born!

When I moved back to London, I spoke to my producer, Imad, who just completely understands my vision. We knew we wanted an upbeat, summer vibe that people could hum along to in the car, dance to with their friends, and play while sipping cocktails abroad! It was a really natural process and I love playing around with him for the ad libs and effects.

Its always such an amazing experience! Its also always such a rewarding experience hearing the finished product knowing you wrote it all and now the world can hear it. Everyone from all over the world such as Saudi Arabia to Guatemala to Australia have been listening! It’s been a wild ride!

DC: I am always intrigued when it comes to stage names and of course Atlas Blair is your stage name, which is very creative and cool. What is the inspiration behind this stage name?

AB: I’m so glad you like it! I’m very open to people being themselves, and I’m not a fan of putting people into boxes. I actually wrote my undergraduate dissertation on gender studies within the music industry and have so much love for the trans and drag communities!

Due to this, I really wanted to have a gender-neutral name. Although I personally go by she/her, I didn’t want people to feel like my gender was what mattered.

I want people to relate to my music, not necessarily whether I am male or female, so I felt this left it open to interpretation and relatable from everyone of all identities!

There are some other reasons, but for now I’ll keep them a secret!

DC: So I hear you are planning on releasing your debut album next year, exciting! Have you got singles ready to go out in the lead up to its release that will join ALL CHOKED UP on that album?

AB: I am indeed! It’s been a long time coming. A lot of people have been waiting a lot of time so I’m so grateful everyone stuck around so patiently, and I can’t wait to show you all what’s been going on behind the scenes! Glacé is such a fun album.

To me, it’s been the perfect way to explore some hard times in my life and some of the best moments in my life in such an uplifting, upbeat way! Some of the songs have quite wacky titles too so I can’t wait for everyone’s reactions to that!

So this is an exclusive! Since ALL CHOKED UP has been so successful, there is maybe another song coming out this summer! I won’t go into too much detail (wink wink) … but I can confirm to Dundee Culture that yes there will be another song out soon!

It’s such an exciting time so keep your eyes peeled — I’m just getting started and trust me this next one is a banger! It was the first song I wrote during lockdown and it’s very very special to me.

DC: Finally, I always love asking this, what advice would you give to someone who wants to start creating their own music like you have done?

AB: This is such a great question!

It sounds cliché, but don’t give up on your dreams. When I was younger, although Dundee had great arts-related opportunities, it never had festivals and large concerts, yet I kept pushing and believing and here I am! There is so much now for the kids in Dundee to experience and learn from, just soak it all in! If you want to do music, there is nothing stopping you! Reach out to musicians you admire, start writing songs, say yes to opportunities and push out of your comfort zone! The world is yours for the taking!

My second piece of advice, and arguably the most important, is to be kind. Dundee is full of wonderful people who will support you, guide you, cheer for you no matter what. Embrace Dundee and be grateful, be proud and be there for one another! Music is a hard career path for anyone to take, but knowing Dundee has my back makes it that wee bit easier.

DC: I absolutely love that pride you have for Dundee! Brilliant! Thank you for your time Emily! It’s been really great to talk with you!



Andrew Batchelor
Dundee Culture

Award Winning Dundee Ambassador / Founder, Dundee Culture / Columnist, Evening Telegraph / Host and Writer of This Dundonian Life / Very Proud Dundonian