Storm Isha in Dundee: Latest Updates

Storm Isha threatens to bring heavy rain and winds up to 60mph in Dundee and Tayside over the next few days.

Andrew Batchelor
Dundee Culture
5 min readJan 21, 2024


Weather Warnings

⚠️🚨 Four weather warnings have been issued by the Met Office for WIND and RAIN over the course of the next four days. Please stay safe and plan your journey if you’re travelling out and about or going out for essentials. It looks like it will get wild out there!

🟡 The first warning for WIND is active from Sunday 12pm to Monday 12pm

🟡 The first warning for RAIN is active from Sunday 3pm to Monday 12am

🟠 The second warning for WIND is active from Sunday 6pm until Monday 6am

🟡 The second warning for RAIN is active from Tuesday 4pm to Wednesday 12pm

What To Expect

  • Damage to buildings and homes is possible, with roofs blown off and power lines brought down
  • Roads, bridges and railway lines may close, with delays and cancellations to bus, train, ferry services and flights
  • Power cuts could occur and affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage
  • Flying debris could result in a danger to life
  • There is potential for large waves and beach material being thrown onto sea fronts, coastal roads and properties

What To Do

  • If travelling, plan your journey carefully as there is set to be disruptions and delays to travel
  • If you are planning on working in an office, keep check on weather updates, and if it continues, work at home if possible
  • If you haven’t, secure garden furniture and bring any objects that might damage property indoors


Sunday 21 January


BREAKING: Tay Road Bridge closed to ALL traffic as well as the central walkway until further notice


I’m going to log off for now as its getting late! You can check further updates via social media with the hashtag #StormIsha.

Goodnight and stay safe everyone!


9pm update:

  • Storm Isha seems to have arrived in Dundee as wind gusts are now being recorded
  • The Tay Road Bridge has now placed restrictions
  • The amber weather warning for wind is now in place and will be active overnight and into tomorrow morning


The walkway and lift on the Tay Road Bridge have been closed due to the increase in winds.


The winds are starting to pick up here in Dundee. Reporting from the studio and things sound like they are being blown about.


NEW: ScotRail trains are now suspended until further notice


The Tay Road Bridge will be closed to high sided vehicles and motorcycles.



BREAKING: Restrictions now in place on the Tay Road Bridge as it closes to double decker buses


AMBER WARNING for WIND now in effect


NEW: A Tornado watch warning has been extended to Scotland


Xplore Dundee says they are planning on running buses as normal into the evening and tomorrow morning. It is closely monitoring the situation at hand.


Latest from BBC Scotland Weather on Storm Isha:


Last trains are now starting to depart says ScotRail



A little bit of humor to lighten the mood!


BBC Weather updates wind gust forecast for Dundee

  • 6pm: 47mph
  • 7pm: 49mph
  • 8pm: 53mph
  • 9pm: 51mph
  • 10pm: 54mph
  • 11pm: 53mph
  • 12am: 54mph
  • 1am: 59mph
  • 2am: 58mph
  • 3am: 53mph
  • 4am: 51mph
  • 5am: 47mph


The Tay Road Bridge is still currently operating as normal at the moment. But as winds pick up, disruptions are imminent. Here is the restriction guidelines for the Tay Road Bridge in events like this:

  • 45mph: Bridge Closed to Double Decker Buses
  • 60mph: Bridge Closed to all vehicles except Cars and Single Decker Buses. Central Walkway is Closed to Pedestrians and Cyclists
  • 80mph: Bridge Closed to all Vehicles


Police Scotland warn of high risk disruption


Here is your 5pm update as Storm Isha makes it way towards Dundee:

  • Storm Isha is making its way towards Scotland with 80mph winds expect to hit with Dundee being affected
  • Two weather warnings for wind and rain are in force with a third warning — amber wind warning coming into effect within the next hour
  • There are currently no updates on closures of venues with the exception of V&A Dundee who closed their doors early at 4pm


There are currently no restrictions as of yet on the Tay Road Bridge.


BREAKING: All ScotRail services to be suspended from 7pm tonight


Latest Met Office update


A good point made by a visitor on Dundee Culture:

“In context, if this storm was in the Atlantic it would be a Category 2 Hurricane at present in terms of surface pressure so stay safe, this is dangerous”


Satellite view shows heavy rain making its way across Scotland


The weather warnings that are currently in effect are the yellow warning for wind and the yellow warning for rain.


V&A Dundee is now closed

The V&A Dundee has now closed its doors ahead of the storm. It is unclear whether it will reopen tomorrow. I will keep you posted!


Good afternoon everyone! I will be bringing you the latest updates in Dundee as Storm Isha prepares to make landfall across the British Isles. This will, of course, affect Dundee and Tayside.



Andrew Batchelor
Dundee Culture

Award Winning Dundee Ambassador / Founder, Dundee Culture / Columnist, Evening Telegraph / Host and Writer of This Dundonian Life / Very Proud Dundonian