New Stat Unveiled: ZIP Code at Birth

Researchers have shown that zip code at birth has a large correlation with success, and now the game developers are looking to capture that effect

The Dungeon Tribune
3 min readJun 25, 2024


In efforts to make the game “grittier” and “more realistic”, Dungeons and Dragons has announced that they will be adding the Character’s Zip Code at birth as a new stat for player characters. For years, researchers have shown that a child’s zip code at birth has a large correlation with how successful that child will be when they grow up, and now the game developers are looking to capture that effect in their fantasy role-playing game. “The effect is too great to ignore,” says an anonymous developer at Wizards of the Coast. “If we’re looking to have character stats that affect the probability that a character will be successful, Zip Code has far more impact on outcomes than other qualities such as ability, experience, and proficiency.”

When the effect is officially implemented, the new stat should have a large impact on the game, but players probably won’t be adding a Zip Code modifier to attack roles or saving throws though. “We don’t want the new stat to have too obvious of an effect on game play, even though it will be very powerful. We want players to be able to ignore it and pretend like they’re self-made characters if they do have better ZC modifiers,” the anonymous developer tells The Dungeon Tribune. “Of course, players hindered by poor ZCs won’t be as effective, but other players will just assume they aren’t trying hard enough or being lazy.”

Current builds in alpha testing are rumored to have Zip Code playing a more indirect role, with the stat affecting starting level, gear, and gold, as well as the rate at which experience is gained, cap limits on all six abilities, amount of down-time, and what developers are calling “the safety net.” “We don’t want to get into what is currently being playtested, as it might not look anything like what really comes out,” says an unnamed source. “But we do want characters with higher ZC’s to be able to make riskier decisions, such as taking on more dangerous adventures, opening a business, and getting an art degree. That’s why ZC’s will also play a large factor in how wealthy and powerful their parents are.”

Players who have been involved in the playtesting have mixed reviews of the new mechanics. “It certainly simplifies the game,” says an anonymous play tester. “ZC is so powerful, you really don’t need to worry about the other stats. And if it is too low, you really don’t even need to bother with the character.” Common comments from players who enjoyed the mechanic were that it made their characters feel powerful. “It’s a great mechanical addition. You can be super influential in about any aspect of the game, and still feel a smug sense of accomplishment.”

One of the biggest reasons that playtesting is continuing, however, was once considered a possible downside to the new system. “When we first came up with the idea we thought the new stat might not be any fun, that it didn’t give players a sense of free will. But the playtests show those who rolled high ZC’s believed it was fair, and that character’s with low ZC’s were powerless to do anything about it.”

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