Capitalism’s Dirty Secret Revealed

Brian McIndoe
The Dystopian Times
6 min readApr 19, 2020


Unlimited cash is available, just not for you.

Riding the crazy train (credit: Dealbreaker)

It’s only when a major crisis hits that we plebs get to see who runs the world and what their values are.

That we are in an existential crisis is not in doubt. In fact, we are facing not one, but two disasters at once. A public health emergency, unparalleled in recent memory, coupled with an economic crisis that continues to make millions unemployed.

What’s truly disturbing though is how the US Treasury, in an unholy alliance with the Federal Reserve, is massively bailing out the ultra wealthy on a scale way beyond the wildest dreams of avarice reached in the 2008 great recession.

It’s become clear that the Fed’s playbook for this crisis is to shovel as much money as needed to prop up assets and stop markets from going down. The errors of 2008 are being repeated. The undeserving are being made whole while the ordinary person in the street is being shafted.

This transfer of riches is not going unnoticed and the meme industry has been busy satirizing the money printing.



Brian McIndoe
The Dystopian Times

Surveillance capitalism, technology run-amok, tyrannical politics, dysfunctional economics and other everyday stuff