Trump’s Very Trumpian Spiritual Advisor

Jesus wants you to be rich

Brian McIndoe
The Dystopian Times


Paula White with Donald Trump — Credit: Paula White-Cain on Facebook

Every day has its surprises. Yesterday, mine was learning that Donald Trump has a spiritual advisor. Initially, I thought this was a good thing, for if ever there was someone deeply in need of wise counsel, it’s Donald Trump.

However, I did a quick Google search on his advisor and quickly changed my mind. I’m used to reading balderdash from theists, but nothing quite prepared me for what I found.

Trump’s religious counselor is Paula White, a preacher who until recently ran a mega-church near Orlando, Florida. In May of this year, she appointed her son and daughter-in-law to be the new pastors. Nothing like keeping the business in the family.

White is a preacher of what’s called, the “prosperity gospel”, which believes that the more you give to God, the more blessings you will receive in life. Strength of faith is measured in dollar bills, sort of like a religious ‘pay to play’ scheme.

Kenneth Copeland, who was recently interviewed by Inside Edition, in a clip that went viral, is also a prosperity gospel preacher. He has five private jets, several huge mansions and lives like a rock star. His net worth has been estimated to be around $700 million, all achieved by donations.



Brian McIndoe
The Dystopian Times

Surveillance capitalism, technology run-amok, tyrannical politics, dysfunctional economics and other everyday stuff