Congratulations! Welcome to The Black Hats!

Both the American Right and Left are Right, and Wrong!

4 min readNov 4, 2021


This is the end of the beginning!

Congratulations and welcome to what is left of the human race retaining their agency while not buying into Fake News and ignorant manipulation! This will be one of the last times I believe I will be able to say this in this straightforward manner. There is a universal human truth that ties all together because we are all alive now, in these times. You should get vaccinated, you should Walk The Valley of Shadow of Your Own Death. PLACE YOURSELF BEFORE THAT DOOR AND KNOW THIS BEFORE CONSIDERING IT:

1. DEATH is not personal.
2. Each thing is uniquely and PERFECTLY itself,
3. ANY loving deity or being worth following that purports to be about love would never ask for sacrifice, require donations, have ultimatums, judge you, give you agency only to ask for it back, or do anything other than accept you, as you are, FULL STOP.
4. Anything beyond Death’s Door is precisely that, beyond Life. NOTHING OUTSIDE OF LIFE CAN EVER BE KNOWN WITH ANY DEGREE OF CERTAINTY and, therefore, SHOULD NEVER BE USED IN DECISION-MAKING PROCESS WITHIN LIFE BECAUSE IT HAS NO VALIDITY WITHIN LIFE. You can do it, of course. Just don’t look yourself that it can be otherwise.
5. Birth is a life sentence on death row. Without death…




I Am, We Are, The Question has been ‘Is there an US’? “ Graditude is accepting where I am at. It is Trust that Truth IS!