R.E.A.S.O.N. Research Overview Update

Any and all comments and feedback are about as welcome as asking a friend to slowly suffocate you, but not all the way!

The Generation Station
5 min readJan 14, 2024


Part 1 update: I do applied anthropological research in the Meta/Macro/Micro patterns, within the broad scope of human behaviorial expressions, with focus in:

  • human history,
Photo by Duncan Shaffer on Unsplash
  • neurology,
Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash
  • psychology,
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
  • philosophy,
Photo by Andy Bodemer on Unsplash
  • biomimickery,
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash
Photo by Tra Nguyen on Unsplash
  • design science,
  • physics,
  • electronics,
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
  • I.T.,
  • (artificial) intelligence,
  • economic expressions (especially crypto),
  • mythology,
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
  • religious history,
  • micro-biomes,
  • operational efficiency,
  • industrial safety practices,
  • statistics,
Photo by Naser Tamimi on Unsplash
  • cymatics,
  • military proactive defensive strategies,
  • astrology,
“”ʼʼʼ‘Photo by Hoang M Nguyen on Unsplash
  • numerology,
  • verified pattern correlation,
  • hypothetical conjecture,
  • liberal arts expression (specifically music, oil pastel panting, interactive structures, improvisation, comedy, cartoons/comics, narration/voiceover, and Impressionism)
  • social media vs. social cognition

The context for any practice response feedback is to:

  • collect the data,
  • determine it’s validity, relevance, and applicability current research

I search through a broad swath of human behavioral cognition; conscious/ conceptualized baselines express within structural repeating patterns, throughout all forms of human behaviorn, beginning with our own relative structure. It is through the subconscious, walled off within the conscious by the ‘sleep/need’ conjecture, which I would argue against if tHEhypothetical conjecture theorizes that a ‘baseline’ exists and may be inferred by any emergent process patterns identified, then correlated to other verifiable natural process pattern expressions, both human and non-human. If there is a verifiable high frequency of pattern correlation expressions, then the more likely a naturally expressed process pattern has been identified. Within these natural process patterns are a few types of expression, such as:

  • emergent
  • inherent
  • intelligent
  • incidental

This proposed, collectively identifiable ‘baseline’ gives rise to human identified pattern expressions that either consciously or unconsciously govern how humans relate with themselves internally, then express externally. The cognitive awareness of these patterns could offer benefit opportunities at each relation scale that may be statistically conjectured from any collectively verified ‘choice points’ of human intention focus. Consciously and subconscious’s focus, for any collectively unexperienced benefits that remain ‘locked’ away from human access prior to the human collective demonstration of it’s understanding of the required previous relational engagement metrics for authentication of understanding, versus potential imitation of understanding.

There are two (2) main mammalian fauna stages of living expression which have a profound, if subtle, affects upon the observable outcomes of human life expression. These are:

  • Formative, the stage between birth and verified maturation,
  • Formed, the stage after Formative. In human expression, the conjecture theorizes that there is a required set of metrics that include not only physical maturation, but also verifiable emotional and intellectual maturation. All metrics are verifiable by analysis of data gathered and compared against the unequivocal foundational requirements of any previous scale requirements, or required sub-system correlating collaborations of authentication.

An example of this is found within the human formed maturation scale, where the inferred requirements are:

  • The physical container maturation
  • The natural understanding window of emotional maturation which are inherently verified within the emotional system expressions over a succession of identified ‘Now Choice-Points’. To further illudicidate, there are clear, unequivocally foundational requirements that if the subject were to express any action that were to contradict the core foundational requirements of the sub-system, then the certainty that the requirements of the sub-system have not been met is absolute, or consciously, intentionally violated by the subject’s expressions of being within Life.
  • The natural understanding window of logical intellectual maturation, also held to the same verifications requirements as the emotional.

Each relational scale is conjectured to require a demonstrated 80% understanding expression. Claims of mastery of the subjective appear to be easily verifiable within any member aware association expression within the Collective. Beginning with the associative scale, an additional cognitive verification is conjectured to exist by monitoring the provable benefit of each member within the association, that must also meet a neutral/negative benefit affect that should not go beyond 19%. In any engagements so analyzed and verified, the validity expression of engagements submitted by members who have submitted to the same category will be progressively scrutinized through the increase of the scaling metric requirements of 1% for benefits, and the removal of 1% from the allowable handicap of neutral/negative expression. Each authenticated scale mastery is demonstrated and must be collectively validated prior to a by claims of engagement within the relational scale that follows. The Collective scale appears to be hinted at a previous expression of collective coherence within mythological stories, yet cannot be verified at this time.

If you and anyone else is interested in sharing your experiences with my suggested practice, be sure to let me know if I may use your actual identity within the research results or if you wish to remain anonymous (if an ID mask is desired, I must still verify identity in order for the data to have any integrity) however, I can still mask any public expressions of the research.

Thank you! I look forward to any comments here!



The Generation Station

I Am, We Are, The Question has been ‘Is there an US’? “ Graditude is accepting where I am at. It is Trust that Truth IS! https://www.linktr.ee/yobiworks