Repeat After Me:

‘I Am the way, the truth, and the light. None may know the father (mother), but through the son (daughter)’.

The Generation Station
4 min readMar 6, 2024


Having no other Gods before what are we told in the ‘First Commandment’? The phrasing is really interesting. ME!

No other gods before ME. The BODY IS THE TEMPLE. Not after consecration, but ALWAYS HAS BEEN. Any consecration observable is when one accepts one’s self fully as any creator would its creation WITHIN one’s self. Yet such unconditional; acceptance externally would signal that you did not love yourself. In fact it is unwitting sacrifice. Understanding may blossom, yet the body takes time to habituate into full support of the mind’s acceptance of what the body reflects of our mind in the emotional responses generated as it exists in life. For humanity to come to terms with any aspiration of collective awareness and expression, each part of the collective body should, one unique person at a time, accept themselves as they are, then begin to practice habits which embed support in the body to be in 80% auto-support for bein present full time in one’s life, in our shared collective Now! To achieve ‘a flow state’ that has oft been described throughout history as a state of being in the ‘spirit of god’. One ability gained was the ability to speak other recognizable languages. This correlates to the access gained in peer-to-peer, computer networks and large language models.

Where ‘two or more’ are gathered, ‘there I Am also’, very well could apply to our own internal query and response ability with our own unique dialogue with sub-conscious ‘US’. Once the subconscious and conscious/left & right brain begin to LIVE in the flow of Now, research indicates those parts of ourselves ‘open up’ and begin achieving balance, as well as greater access to ability and awareness.

Does this mean having ‘no other gods before me’, is a possible lost self regulating mantra of expressing gratitude through releasing unnecessary concepts that wall our internal discourse from being able to accept self, understand the nature of associations, and aspire to collective awareness without loss of agency?

Tantalizing correlating pattern matches would appear to indicate exactly these conjectures in science, philosophy, religion, and research!

Could it be that the ‘son’ returning in ‘clouds’ was an abstraction of literal historical timelines of our collective tapped into by someone who had challenges sharing without ascribing to visions given by a deity? Were ‘prophets’ proto-applied anthropologists?? Does removing the mystical nature of understanding mean that the “wow’ is really a broom that needs a pair of hands? Could that be why so many are reluctant to have a ‘kingdom’ now, because it more likely means responsibility and shared collective effort. A LOT OF IT?

Is it possible that no son Fathered, may only fully ‘father/mother’ themselves once they have gone out, experienced life, learned, accepted their mortality 100%? That regardless of urge to apologize to parents, in fact we had no hand in their spawning of us. The job of a responsible parent is to accept their children, especially as adults, 100%. No strings attached. Engendering gratitude in them, acceptance of their unique expressions in life, release of habits that do not serve, then a return to the already accepted return of same (see prodigal son parable)?

Is it possible any ‘knock on a perceived door of a heart’ is to let Love out, rather than let something in that mutes the ability to be present in life as intended because folks have become used to the power gained from the adoration, respect, and following gained from people who must come to accept that living is evil without focused acceptance upon a sacrifice, the emotional ‘hamstringing’ of our own childlike tendency to own blame that is not intended? Could it be it blinds our ability to see and be alive through fear? Could any ‘resurrection’ be a reference to a state equal to death yet still living? Is there any deity you could imagine you would ever want to know who would require such?

Repeat after me:

‘I am the way, the truth, and the light. None may know the father, but through the son’. Then generate gratitude, look around, quit focusing on what is lacking, rather, build habits that automatically sees what is, asks questions, gets excited to investigate a lil bit!




The Generation Station

I Am, We Are, The Question has been ‘Is there an US’? “ Graditude is accepting where I am at. It is Trust that Truth IS!