The One in The Room

A Truth, Companionship, and Stories We Tell Ourselves

10 min readJun 15, 2020


Ever find yourself right where you want to be, yet something nags in the back of your mind, some dissatisfaction with the way things are?

There is a saying in the service, “No plan survives implementation.”

No matter the situation, many of us will, at some point, find we have committed ourselves to something without fully considering the ramifications of partnering with something or someone that is out of our actual control.

The Boy in The Room posits a Virtual Room where anything you could ever want is at your fingertips, except a friend. Join The Boy as he searches for companionship, finds a commitment he wasn’t expecting and is faced with a choice he didn’t prepare to make.

The One in The Room

There was a One, who lived in a room, but it was not like any other room you might think of.

In this room, the ceiling was the stars in the sky. All the One had to do to see any of them was to look up at the top, then spread his hands slowly apart to zoom in on anyone he wanted to examine. He could get close to and even explore any of the planets that orbited any star, traveling through the infinite galaxies available to see.




I Am, We Are, The Question has been ‘Is there an US’? “ Graditude is accepting where I am at. It is Trust that Truth IS!