It always can be done better, just jump in and improve it along the way

Before you have the chance of not staring at all

Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions


Yes, not starting something is also an option, one that some times unconsciously or very consciously we set ourselves to take.

For at least three years, I’ve been having this idea in my head, a project where I seat down and connect with entrepreneurs of all kinds and listen to their stories. I wanted to show the world what entrepreneurship really is about, and break away the stereotypes of Silicon Valley, youth and even technology-only ideas.

I had it very clear in my mind, I knew how it would look, sound and work. I knew the type of people that I wanted to showcase and even how to reach them, but I had took no action upon it.

It was always a project for later, something I wanted to do once I was done with whatever I was dealing at the moment, another project, an idea, or a no-progress startup. It was just an idea.

However, no matter what, or how long would have passed, it was an idea that would always come back to visit me, to remind me that it still exist, that still I could do it; but beyond anything else, to remind that I still wanted to do it.

Like is we had some sort of unfinished (or un-started) business.

I could see it clearly and vividly, like it was the first time.

That was the moment that I said, you know what? Let’s do it, let’s give it ago and figure it out. Because despite all the ideas that I always have or had (which believe me, are a lot) this one will always return, so there must be a reason why.

So I did

I decided to do it, and that’s what I’ve been (slowly) working over the last couple of months. This time though, learning from the mistake from the past and applying several of the lessons learned along the way; two of them been:

  1. Keep it simple and just start. You can always fix it or improve it along the way
  2. Don’t do it all by yourself. It is not only hard, but it is also realising that it only so much I can do with time I have while dealing with daily responsibilities.

Stop talking

The thing is, there is always a lot that can be thought and planned, in order to at least try to achieve the best possible outcome, but the reality is, that it is also the most effective, subtle and rewarding form of procrastination know to man, by man in this case meaning, me.

And no, procrastination is not only about wasting time watching videos on the internet, or reading articles of how to be better at managing time and more productive, while wasting time from actual work reading that same article.

Procrastination it is also about fear. It is about avoiding getting yourself out there. It is about dealing with the fact that, it might not look as great as imagined, that people might not like it or that it may not work at all, or won’t be as smooth and easy as expected.

It is also dealing with the fact that, once you’ve done what you wanted, then what?

It is about, what if it works?

But before anything else, procrastination is about safety.

Procrastination is a safe place that protects you from all of the above; from action and inaction. It’s an illusion.

It allows you to keep delaying things in the name of: quality, structure,

Just jump in

What started as a conversation ended in unexpected action. And that’s been very good.

After a couple of months of planning and discussions, I thought it was time to get it done. Start shooting and see how it goes, and from there, reassess.

Set an easy goal, a deadline and few attainable milestones, together with a basic structure for us to operate, low expectations, and great curiosity for what it can become, a desire to explore, but most importantly, to have fun, to enjoy along the way, and learn as much as possible, both from the project and the people, as well as personally.

This single decision, under this basic parameters, has been the simplest most important one, putting us exactly where we are right now, two weeks away from kick starting the project and start shooting; all this while already engaging with numerous people that want to be part, or that have expressed their sympathy and desire to learn more about it. It also putting us in a place that we did not expected to be, at least not this soon; forcing us to adapt and react accordingly, to embrace the opportunity and just do it.

Yes, even after this, there was a moment where I thought that it probably would be good to have some extra time to organise better, to which I had to stop myself and ask:

“Is it me kinda self-sabotaging, or is it ok the that I know I still have to get some things in place before the project is ready to kick off, also avoiding to spend too much time overplaying and arranging stuff”

The answer? Yes and yes.

Take every opportunity and get the ball rolling, even if it’s truly and extremely necessary to get something right beforehand (like it is at the moment for me), stick to the plan and do it along way, you’ll figure it out, just avoid at any cost not starting, because when you do it, the hardest part is past, the rest is up to you.

If you still not convinced, then ask Will Smith:

My new project is starting soon and is planned to launch somewhere between July and August. Here’s an excerpt:

“We want to give access to the inside of the world of entrepreneurship to those looking from the outside; those willing to take part of it but that might think it is too difficult, out of their reach or just don’t know how to do it.

To show that entrepreneurs come in all shapes, forms, ages and backgrounds; and that Start-ups can be about anything, not just cutting-edge technology.

We want to help entrepreneurs to share their journeys and stories, and by that make entrepreneurship accessible to everyone.”

If you want to learn more about it, please subscribe and be the first one to know when is out! Thank you

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting — Day 80 of 100



Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions

Technology + Business + Design + Entrepreneurship