It’s Time

It has always been

Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions


“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes[…] Because those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

And here we are…

Maybe not the crazy ones but the bold ones, the persistent ones. That’s what entrepreneurship is about. It might not always be about changing the world, but somebodies world instead, or even your own. It’s about altering reality, about opportunities and possibilities.

It’s not about billions of dollars, fame and glory, at least not always, instead is about creation, improvement and human nature, it’s about freedom. Freedom to do the things that you love, that you truly and deeply wand to do, exploration, experimentation, trial and error. It’s not been afraid.

Not giving up.

It is hard and it can be lonely, but it will always be rewarding.

It takes times, usually more than you expect or want, but that’s what great thing require if they are worth pursuing. Patience is also hard, but it’s all part of the game.

It is about believing and change, persistence and endurance, and sometimes might not even be about changing the world at all, but just make things happen; achieve, conquer, complete.

But first and foremost, it’s about starting. Bravery. To do that thing that it is always in your mind, that you can see, touch and feel. Stop thinking, wandering, lying to yourself, stop waiting, start acting, it’s time.

It is scary, but you will figure it out.

Get out there and do something great; that great thing that you’ve been willing to do for so long, maybe your whole life. Your passion, that warmth inside your chest. Trust that feeling and forget what others have to say if it’s not helping you to move forward. There will always be noise, live with it, play with it, go through it; but time? there will never be enough of it, but it will pass anyway, always, so choose wisely and think carefully, don’t let it pass you by, because the next time you look back it might only be regret, it then maybe be too late.

To all entrepreneurs out there, starters, innovators, artists, creators, dreamers and believers; the crazy ones, anyone with an idea; take a chance and stop waiting, stop been afraid, get out there and do something great. It’s time, it has always been.

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting - Day 5 of 100



Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions

Technology + Business + Design + Entrepreneurship