When is going to be enough?

Only you can figure it out

Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2018


This is not about right or wrong, greed or honour; instead, it is about ambition and persistence. There will always be two (or more) sides of a story, but these two are what I’m willing to focus today. They are also the ones that resonated the most with me when I recently watched this movie.

When enough is enough?

I watched “The Founder” the other night; and it got stuck in my head, as some friends would say it was “close to home”. The film tells the story of Ray Kroc, a 52-year-old man on his path into creating the greatest franchise empire on planet earth, an empire that we would know as McDonald’s.

There’s is a point at the beginning of the movie where he’s telling his wife about this idea that has been going around in his head after the visit to the McDonald brothers’ restaurant. She clearly knew that he was interested in, also bringing up other previous endeavours he unsuccessfully pursued, later asking: “when is going to be enough?”, to which he replied: “Probably never”.

That’s when they got my attention and started to make me think.

When is enough? Is there ever actually going to be an “enough”? How long I’m going to keep doing this? Those are all questions that I’ve been asking myself, sometimes more often than others.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve faced a lot of self-doubts, especially if things have not resulted as expected, in many cases in more than one opportunity. However, despite many downturns, I’m a believer and an optimist, and I see possibilities and opportunities almost everywhere.

Nonetheless, as time passes and I get older, I start to think about different things, and take others into consideration. I start to wander.

Am I always going to be like this or one day I’ll just give up and decide to settle?

Am I doing this forever?

Although, there are days when I try to see into that cloudy future without getting an answer, willing to believe there will be light at the other side of the path; the reality is that I also don’t know how does life looks like without all this, without experimentation and trying out things, and in my head that future I can see, is a successful version of all those ideas.

Ray was not young, but he tried and that’s the most important part; the scary one I think, is realising that it might take time, sometimes a lot, and usually more than we all ever expected or wanted until we figure it out, an investment that (no matter what they say) very few are truly willing to make.

That type of commitment can be only be fuelled by persistence. Hard and restlessness persistence to be able to come back over and over again

Keep moving forward, keep pushing and finding ways. Keep questioning things, because if you are not satisfied and still haven’t found it, then you still need to figure it out. There are no shortcuts.

The answer is I don’t know. No, I don’t know when it is going to be enough, and that is scary, but I rather keep looking than ever giving up.

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting — Day 12 of 100



Joseph Emmi
The E Sessions

Technology + Business + Design + Entrepreneurship