Guideline to publish on The Earth Guide

When you want to publish for The Earth Guide, you must follow the rules below.

Agnes Laurens
The Earth Guide
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2019


What to publish:

  • We prefer articles that help you think about your behaviour towards nature, plants, earth, sustainability, animals and other earth-related topics.
  • What are the problems that caused damage to the world and earth?
  • What are the issues we can solve and how? Think about sustainability issues: how can I make my house worth living in while it’s sustainability proof.
  • What have you done already to make it happen and what do you want to do in the future.
  • We prefer articles that help you and the reader being in nature and what it does with you as a person and your wellbeing and your health that you want to pass it through others.
  • This could be what happens to you when you are in nature: walking, cycling or whatever you’re doing.
  • What kind of plants are there in the world we should know about and need to learn more about. Are there dangerous plant and which are not.
  • What kind of animals are there in the world, which is dangerous and why, where do they live etc… and what are your experiences?



Agnes Laurens
The Earth Guide

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.