Would You Break Up With Someone Because Of Their Politics?

Amira Tate
Pridesource Today
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2019

As Eastside students grow into adulthood, they are becoming more aware of what is going on in the world and are beginning to decide where they stand in the midst of it all. This increasing political awareness looks different for different people. Some people feel so strongly about their beliefs that they couldn’t stand to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t share them. Others hold their beliefs loosely and can happily be in a relationship with someone who votes differently.

“I would never date someone who didn’t agree with me,” says Eastside senior Ja’lynn Simon. “A lot of the time it’s never a simple difference. It is always the people who want to defund Planned Parenthood or are obsessed with guns. I can’t deal with that.” She is a Democrat.

Junior Bianca Bates, also a Democrat, agrees, but only to an extent. “I can deal with small differences,” she says. “But if they are a hardcore conservative Republican that wants everyone to agree with them, it won’t work.”

Sophomore Timothy Ortiz is a Republican. His views on politics may be different than Bianca’s, but his views on relationships are quite similar. “Most Democrats don’t support Trump,” he says. “He is the best president we have had so far. He keeps to his word. If they can’t see that, then we can’t date.”

These students are still growing into their ideas. Might they change their minds down the line? We talked to some Eastside teachers to see if their answers were similar.

“I would date someone with a different political view,” says Mr. McConnell, who teaches Government and Politics.“My wife, actually, has some different ideas, and we are still together. My friends do too, and I only argue with them a little bit.” Mr. McConnell is not registered with a political party.

But not everyone agrees, even within the Social Science department.

“I don’t think it would work,” says history teacher Mrs. Jobb. “I feel like, as a Democrat, that me and a strong Republican would have too many problems that would lead to other problems.”

According to survey information released last year by Match.com, 72% of single Americans are willing to date people who come from a different political perspective. That leaves over one-quarter of single Americans feeling, like Mrs. Jobb, that potential romance with someone from the other side of the political aisle is a non-starter.

What about you? Would you date someone who disagrees with your politics? Let us know in the comments below.

