A Rally Might be a Trap for More to Die

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The EbonLiner
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2016

The day I saw Ferguson, Missouri on the news, I knew more trouble would spread. I understand that people need to come together. People always march, protest, and have rallies. However, more people loose their lives that way. Something else is needed to be done. I don’t see where anything is getting solved. It looks like war in America out there in the streets from different states.

It makes no sense how a police officer shoots a man that is already pinned to the ground. It makes no sense to give somebody a hard time as a police officer when someone has done what you have told them to do. Some police are just bullies.

How did all of the police shooting start? Why is it happening so much everywhere? Did someone with control and power help it to be? Someone wants confusion in our land. It’s leading to something. I have a bad feeling about it. People are constantly loosing their lives and some of them just happen to be African Americans. Don’t be fooled though. White Americans are loosing their lives too, but the media won’t show everything. The media won’t tell you everything. It’s just confusion.

It’s best to stay at home. Try not to be at the wrong place at the wrong time if you can help it. People need to lay low. It’s all in somebody’s plan that we get upset and fight to loose our lives. Stay away from those rallies. Don’t give the enemy what he wants. To solve the problem, somebody needs to get to the main source of the problem.

