High Mind and Bad Attitude

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The EbonLiner
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2016

Some people shout that they want more and that people are not moving fast enough for them. They think that the average people are nothing and not good enough. I see it a lot in some businesses. When some people work with others, they have a very high mind and a bad attitude. If they are so great, why don’t they just do all the work for themselves? Evidently, they must not be the genius they claim to be or else they wouldn’t have to pound the fist and yell at other folks. In this world, if you want to succeed, you must have patience in working with others. Some folks just want somebody else to do all of the work, and when things do not come when they want it, they get very upset and frustrated. Things don’t get done that way.

