Sometimes the Best Don’t Get Picked

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The EbonLiner
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2015

Sometimes people make life so backwards and difficult. When they visit to pick and choose the very best, the very best is not what they will choose on purpose. I sometimes think it is a prejudice thing, but could be a blessing in disguise.

I’m thinking about a man that once visited my great grandmother. He had a story to tell about his son. His son could really play football. No one could play like him on the field. His son had to show his skills in hopes to get picked to play football. I don’t know whether it was for college football or for the NFL. The man went on to tell how great his son could move and do all kinds of tricks with the football. He was the best guy on the football field that stood out from all of the rest. However, his son did not get picked to move to a higher level in football.

To tell you the truth, I have never seen a guy play football the way that the man had described his son playing football. All I could do was think about how great he would have been, and then again he might not would have been so great. If he had went on to reach the top, he might would have had a bad injury for the rest of his life. He might would have met tragic death. Sometimes God can see ahead of us, and sometimes opportunities we hope for are not always in his will.

