When Someone Is not Interested in Talking to You on the Phone, You Should be Told

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The EbonLiner
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2016

Don’t be a Victim of Hanging On


Have you ever made an important phone call or just really needed to talk to someone? You can tell when someone is really not interested in talking with you at all. Sometimes people try to make you feel like you really don’t matter when you haven’t done any wrong to them. They’ll answer the phone and say hello to you and but in to tell you to hold on a couple of times. While they are suppose to be talking with you, they’ll carry on and talk with someone else a whole 10 minuets while they have you on the phone. Did they forget that you are on the phone? I don’t think so. Evidently, you are not that important. If they cannot or do not want to talk, they ought to let you know instead of keeping you hanging on. The best thing to do when people make you feel like you are not on the phone talking with them is to tell them goodbye.

There are some people that will let you know that they do not have time to talk to you. Every time you call them, they may be busy. Maybe you are the one that is always calling just to see how things are going. However, you might not ever hear from the person that you are calling. Some people are wrapped up in themselves and just don’t have the time for anyone. When you stop calling them, it’s funny how they began to wonder why. Never be a victim of feeling like you are unimportant. Don’t be a victim of hanging on the telephone.

