Apples Grow on Trees

Anna Kelian
The Echo of My Soul
2 min readMay 1, 2021

Good bye…
Can’t say no more;
Don’t want to cry,
But my throat is sore…

I can’t believe my eyes
When I go to the store;
I sure don’t want to buy
The apples I once “stole”.

I can’t stop wondering why
There are apples galore
On things that start with an “i”,
My iPod, iPhone and more.

Apples haunt me each day;
Some even hurt my soles,
As I walk on my way,
I stumble upon their cores.

But now I crave for one;
An apple from my hometown
For I’m having a son;
And this erases my frown.

And seeing my son grow,
As he learns to count 123,
I’m shocked he doesn’t know
That apples grow on a tree.

So here we stand
In my homeland
Facing my apple tree.
And now I know
My son will grow
Knowing apples are free.



Anna Kelian
The Echo of My Soul

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