Find the Light, Be the Light

Anna Kelian
The Echo of My Soul
1 min readApr 4, 2021

If you find yourself standing in the shadow, don’t worry at all. There is light nearby.

The darker the shadow gets, the brighter the light source is.

Don’t be afraid! Just step into the light.

You see, we are afraid of stepping into the light because we’ve been told to stay in the shade, to avoid the sun and that the sun was harmful. Then, why do we complain that it’s not bright where we are?

Step into the light!

Turn back toward the light.

YOU are blocking your own light!

And if it is total darkness where you are, and you say I don’t see any light, you are in the “wrong” place. You need to come out of that dark place. Search for the light and you will find it. But if you can BE the Light, then, Be your own light!

Remember, we are the light. we can shine. All it takes is for us to remember who we really are.

Written on 30 OCT 2013



Anna Kelian
The Echo of My Soul

Take control of your life, live with no regrets, leave the world a better place