An Uncertain Journey Into The Cancerous Abyss

A look back.

Leonard Tillerman
The Echoing Epiphanies


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Like a thunderbolt ripping through the dead of night, I jolted awake with a start. A cold sweat coated my skin and a foreboding sense of dread pressed heavily down upon my chest.

My eyes darted across the dark hotel room as the cobwebs in my mind slowly disappeared and reality began to sink in.

Today was the day.

Three months after an unexpected discovery was made, I was set to have a cancerous tumor removed from my body.

A few hours from now I would be cut wide open and lying on an operating room table.

Not a pleasant feeling to start the day with!

I quietly sit up and swing my legs onto the floor, making sure not to wake my sleeping wife. She needs her rest and energy as very tough times lie ahead.

I stumble across the strange room until I reach the large window. As I look out, I am entranced by the beauty of the falling snow.

The first snowfall of the year has blanketed the street below. Everything appears fresh and new once again. Almost as if nature has hit the reset button.

As I look out at the scene below me, I cannot help but wonder if this will be my last morning on earth. The pristine beauty to be replaced…



Leonard Tillerman
The Echoing Epiphanies

Writer, reader, and most recently... cancer survivor. Retired teacher and school principal. Writing one day at a time...