Day 22: Essentials for an eCommerce Store

The Sales Plan
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2016

In the last topic here, we spoke about setting up the store, right from setting up the store from the main admin panel and seller panel.

Day 22, Started my day with a mile long run. They say ‘Healthy body healthy mind. A bit relaxed today as most of the setting up is done.

Source: pinterest

I’ve added some test products to the store, made sure that the I’ve written the product description with essential points that can boost Search engine rankings.

Today, I’ll be focusing on adding tools and services that are essential to get my store started.

Live Chat Software: The most important functionality. I went through services like Zopim, Livechat, I remember using live chat app a couple of years back, so I signed up for their free trial to check it out.
I had to take the code and paste it in the text box provided in Prime Fusion’s admin panel. Checked it using their validation tool and great, it works.

Analytics: Though I have options like quantcast etc. I’ll use Google analytics as I’m used to setting it up. I’ll give Quantcast a try another time.

Social Plugins: Addthis is always a preference for me. I’ve already set my mind on that as I’ve used it on my personal blog and they have code.

Payment Gateway: I already have a Paypal account, so I just set it up.

Email Templates: I found that the Prime Fusion software has an email template which is editable. ( Not yet theme-able though, hope they bring this in the future.)

Sendy: I chose Sendy over mail chimp because, it uses Amazon’s SES to send mails. More than Mailchimp, Amazon’s SES mails land up in your primary inbox. Plus, my email subscriber’s list is Huge. I don’t think running out of cash right after sending one email is a strong strategy. :P

I had some trouble setting up the Auto-responder on sendy though. I‘m in touch with the founder through it’s support forum. Hope to get it resolve it soon.

I think I’m all set to sell from the store now. Let me know If I missed out anything.

Also, some of the features which I feel that would complete the setting up a store are recommendations engine to enable cross selling and up-selling, auto invoice generation just like this one .

For now i have to look for some service to integrate it or find someone to build it. As these are the ones that will make my store as appealing as Amazon. If you know of any service that can do so, let me know about it in the comments. I’ll try to set it up and let you know how it went. :)

Stay Tuned.



The Sales Plan

Following the trend & understanding its present, future impact is my passion. Like to take deep dives where divers dare.