Day 26: Filling the store with Products.

The Sales Plan
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2016

Day 26: Filling the store with products and a bad day to have a headache.

A cup of pipping hot Coffee does wonders, doesn’t it?

In my previous post, I talked about why I’m considering Drop shipping and it’s pros and cons within my context. If you’ve been following me for a while you’d understand. :)

I’m trying to create a brand. Everything on my store has to reflect the brand I’m building. For example, even the products you’ll find on my stores are targeted towards a niche audience who like a particular category of mobile accessories. It’s highly curated.

I believe that a good product image and a detailed description that tells the user exactly what it does, helps the user to decide what to buy, instantaneously*. I’m usually drawn towards image that have a depth. I’d prefer having an image like this.


Than something like this:


I have around 200+ products that need to be uploaded and I’m very particular about the images. So, a friend of mine agreed to volunteer during the weekend to take good product photos, so it looks appealing to the buyer.

Also, I stumbled upon a tutorial to help with product photography. You can read it too, on Shopify:

So, I have the required photos now to add it on the product page.
I had to remove some of the test products I added previously to reorganize them from the beginning.

I created a new seller account on the-symbol where I can add products categorically. The most important part of editing the product page is writing content. I hired a couple of interns who are helping me with the content as well as uploading the products.

People have very specific questions in their mind, the description should be sharp enough for them to understand what it is about. I’ve outlined them the basic things about writing a product description, like keeping it simple and understandable while not compromising on the keyword density. It’s a tedious process that takes a lot of time but once set, it’s ready to roll.

Update: I’m planning to create a course for people who are selling products online, with all these best practices and more as a lesson. Of course, it would be free. :)



The Sales Plan

Following the trend & understanding its present, future impact is my passion. Like to take deep dives where divers dare.