Entering a New Era With Workarea

Q&A With Ben Crouse, Product Architect at Workarea

3 min readMar 14, 2018


At BVAccel, we partner with some of the most forward-thinking brands. Looking ahead, we want to ensure that we are providing the most value to our clients and that we are future-proofing them by partnering with platforms whose values align with ours. We are so excited about our new partnership with Workarea and we caught up with Ben Crouse, Workarea’s Product Architect, to get the inside scoop on what lies ahead.

What are the biggest challenges brands and retailers face that Workarea answers?

Ben: Regardless of their size or industry, retailers of today find themselves needing to continually differentiate themselves. The newest frontier that brands are facing is how to integrate content, merchandising, and search functionalities to deliver fresh and relevant customer experiences. Brands that deliver innovative experiences gain the most traction — and that’s exactly what Workarea enables its users to do easily.

What types of companies find the most value on the Workarea platform?

Ben: Workarea is great for retailers looking for a great solution to showcase their unique eCommerce shopping experience. We’ve seen the biggest successes in companies with growth-focused management teams looking to deliver rich content and unique shopping experiences to maximize customer engagement.

If you could choose one, what is the best feature of Workarea?

Ben: Our Site Planner! The functionality around Workarea Site Planner allows retailers to pre-plan every aspect of their site (and preview it) without a separate hosting environment. They can schedule changes to publish automatically at any point the future. They can also schedule an end time for promotions. With automated releases, users no longer have the burden of staying up past midnight to make changes, and they can have a good night’s sleep instead!

What’s the biggest benefit Workarea offers that other eCommerce platforms don’t?

Ben: We offer flexibility with modern technology. With Workarea, you’re not limited to web APIs and plugins. We have comprehensive enterprise functions that work right away and can be extended easily. Pairing this with the benefits of modern technology is our unique strength.

What amazing things can we expect in the future for Workarea?

Ben: Like our customers, we are also constantly innovating and improving our product. We’re currently looking at new ways to leverage data and machine learning to help merchandisers and content managers make better decisions about their sites. This means integrated A/B testing tools into our Site Planner. Putting data where merchandising decisions are being made will make decisions easier. Offering more insights than external tools could around areas like content, discounts, search, etc.

About Workarea

Workarea is built on the most modern stack and combines all the capabilities digital teams need to create winning shopping experiences. When commerce, content, and insights are working together, so is your team. Collaboration occurs, efficiency rises, and the output is not only measurable but ever-evolving.

About BVAccel

We are innovative, data-driven experts from across the eCommerce sector and we maintain impactful partnerships with Shopify, Optimizely and Google. With a best-in-class technology stack we create valuable shopping experiences that serve as the foundation of revenue acceleration. We create mobile-first shopping experiences that are anchored in the three pillars of eCommerce: acquisition, conversion and retention. We are informed by data and inspired by design. The results are unparalleled customer experiences that are highly converting and promote limitless growth.




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