Saving A Choking Baby — The Feeling Of A Father

Raphael Poch
The Edge Of Heaven
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2019
Yonatan Isaacs Sitting On His Ambucycle With His Two Children

On a recent Friday evening, United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yonatan Isaacs was in synagogue in Tiberias when his United Hatzalah communications device alerted him to a medical emergency nearby. A family was visiting their friends for Shabbat when their infant began to choke. The dedicated medic quickly and discreetly exited the synagogue and ran to his ambucycle that was parked nearby. Jumping on, he flew to the address in just 30 seconds. Upon entering the home, he found near pandemonium as hysterical parents, children and guests were crying and screaming as a 6-month-old baby gasped and coughed incessantly.

The experienced and cool-headed medic quickly approached the infant and examined his airway. Yonatan saw at the very back of the mouth, what looked like a wet piece of challah. Surmising that the unseen part of the challah was intruding into the baby’s airway and causing the blockage, the medic carefully inserted his fingers and grabbed the end of the challah. Yonatan proficiently pulled the relatively long piece of doughy material straight out of the infant’s mouth. Instantly, the baby gulped down deep breaths of fresh air. The crisis was over.

The mother scooped up the now stable child, tears of fright turned to joy streaming down her face as she hugged him tightly. Yonatan took vital signs and carefully monitored the baby as they waited for an additional 10 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. Those 10 minutes could have been the difference between life and death.

Yonatan reflected on the rescue that had taken place. “To be able to save this child was a great feeling for me. As a father, I know the pain and panic one feels when your child is sick or having a medical emergency. The panic one feels at an instance of choking is tangible. Knowing that I was able to help alleviate that pain and fear of the parents and the distress of the baby is incredibly meaningful to me. Even though I rush out to medical emergencies on a regular basis, it still gives me a push every time I do so and am able to help someone.”

After the Sabbath, Yonatan’s wife received a phone call from the woman whose house the choking incident took place in. “I just wanted to tell you that your husband is amazing. He saved the life of my guest’s baby today and I am so thankful that you live nearby and that he was able to help. He prevented a tragedy for us all today.”

