The Journey To Ubuntu 2.0!

The Edict Staff
The Edict
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2019

The work for Ubuntu started 5 months ago and there have been a series of events and activities to bring its message of cultural diversity and oneness to life. Here, we chronicle the journey or the road to Ubuntu, if you may.

It started off with the Lunch Time Chills: An extremely simple but fun event with music and dance to instil a spirit of togetherness and bonding within the Ashokan Community. A Spice Challenge was also introduced to make things more interesting.

Aicha teaching a fellow student | Spicy Ramen noodles from the Spice Challenge | Ashokans participating in the Spice Challenge

Then came the Kick-off Party to announce the official launch of Ubuntu 2019. The Kick-off Party was a retro themed party with food, music, and lots of dancing. It was a fun night that allowed the team to interact and get to know each other better. This was the first step towards appreciating different cultures and my favourite memory of this event was when the entire Ubuntu team came together to Lamborghini — which has now become the Ubuntu anthem

The Ubuntu team working on decorations | Ubuntu and Ashokans dancing together

Valentine’s Day Karaoke: Each year on February 14, people exchange cards, candy or flowers with their special “Valentine”. While that’s important, it’s also important to show love to the different cultures and all the diversity on our planet! On that note, we at Ubuntu organized an array of events like ‘Speed Up Meet Up’, followed by a karaoke night.

Pictures from ‘Speed Up Meet Up’ and the Karaoke Night

A Collaboration with Meri Dastan saw various members of the Ashoka community for a Storytelling Night. The Ubuntu team members were successful to create a platform, for people to share their stories and anecdotes that about their experience of moving to a new place and their experience with culture shock. The intimate atmosphere made it easy to conduct deep, personal conversations for hours on end. Ubuntu will never forget that night!

People sharing their experiences at the Storytelling Night

Food Fest: An event to bring food from cultures all over the world in a single plate. We had food from Burma, Nepal, Ethiopia and Senegal in the menu and had over 120 people join us on that day!

Ubuntu team members preparing | Preparing the stalls for the Food Fest | Ashokans lining up food for the Food Fest get their food
What’s a party, without some dance?

But the highlight of the food fest was definitely the impromptu dance party with the ICS Bhaiyas!

The team is all set!

All these events were merely a teaser for the grand Ubuntu fest happening tomorrow on the 5th of April. Join us for the fun that will be Ubuntu, a definite enriching and enjoyable event, where we hope you will have as much fun as we did bring this it together!

Don’t miss out on the phenomenal celebration of cultural diversity at Ubuntu 2.0!

