CSEC Demands Action: Combatting Sex-for-Grade Exploitation

csec malawi
The Education Hub- Malawi
3 min readApr 8, 2024

Issued this 8th day of April, 2024.

The Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC) vehemently condemns these egregious actions and stands in solidarity with the victims whose dignity and freedom have been callously violated. Recent revelations have brought to light alarming allegations that lecturers, abusing their power, engage in sexual activities with female students in exchange for academic grades. These despicable acts stain the sanctity of education with their insidious grasp.

Reports spanning several years expose a distressing pattern of abuse and exploitation within Malawi’s educational institutions. Incidents such as a private university seeking counseling for a student coerced into sexual favors for grades, as reported by Malawi Voice in November 2022, and public university lecturers leaking exams to students with whom they had conjugal relationships, as documented by Nyasa Times in September 2020, underscore the pervasive nature of the problem. Similar allegations highlighted by Face of Malawi and Nyasa Times in December 2019 reveal a troubling trend of female students being coerced into sexual acts in exchange for grades. These reports reflect a longstanding issue that demands urgent action.

The reported cases, like chilling echoes from a troubled past, reverberate across various media platforms, each one a damning testament to the pervasiveness of this abhorrent practice. From private universities to esteemed public institutions, no corner of Malawi’s academic landscape seems immune to the corrupting influence of individuals who prey on the vulnerability of students, particularly women, trading academic advancement for sexual favors.

We refuse to accept this as the status quo. The pursuit of knowledge should never come at the cost of one’s integrity or autonomy. It is a fundamental right, enshrined in principles of dignity and equality that every student be afforded the opportunity to learn and grow without fear of coercion or exploitation.

Moreover, it is imperative to highlight that the continued reported cases of sex-for-grades are not only a dent on the university authorities (Chancellor and management) but also the entire university and Malawian communities. These reprehensible acts not only undermine the credibility of our educational institutions but also erode the trust and confidence of the broader society in the integrity of our academic system. Universities should be bastions of learning, promoting dignity and equality, yet these exploitative practices tarnish their reputation and make them unsafe environments for genuine scholarly pursuits.

Therefore, we issue a clarion call for urgent action. The time for complacency has long passed. Mzuzu University, its administration, and the Ministry of Education must heed this rallying cry and embark on a relentless pursuit of justice. Immediate investigation and reform are imperative to cleanse our educational institutions of this blight and restore faith in the integrity of our academic pursuits.

Transparency, accountability, and zero tolerance for misconduct must be the guiding principles in this endeavor. Perpetrators of such heinous acts must be swiftly identified and held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, proactive measures must be implemented to prevent future occurrences, including robust reporting mechanisms, comprehensive training programs, and widespread awareness campaigns.

In addition, we urgently call upon the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) to conduct a public hearing on this matter. Such a forum would provide a platform to unearth the perversity of the problem, allowing survivors to share their experiences, shedding light on the systemic issues at play, and facilitating the formulation of effective strategies to combat sex-for-grades exploitation.

We call upon all stakeholders — administrators, faculty, students, government officials, and civil society organizations — to unite in this noble cause. Let us forge a path forward, where education is a beacon of enlightenment, untainted by the shadows of exploitation. Together, we can dismantle the structures of oppression and cultivate a culture of respect, equality, and integrity within our universities.

The time for action is now. Let us stand together, unwavering in our commitment to combat sex-for-grades exploitation and safeguard the sanctity of education for generations to come.

