Investigate and Act: Kamuzu Academy Abuse Allegations

csec malawi
The Education Hub- Malawi
1 min readJun 21, 2024

Issued this 21st day of June, 2024.

The Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC) demands immediate action regarding the alarming reports from Kamuzu Academy. Former deputy headteacher Andrew Hubbard stands accused of coercing workers and minors into homosexual acts, exploiting promises of employment and monetary compensation.

Kamuzu Academy’s management’s handling of these grave allegations is unacceptable. By dismissing Mr. Hubbard without involving the Police, they have shown a blatant disregard for legal and ethical standards. This action is a direct affront to justice and the rule of law.

These allegations involve serious criminal offenses, especially against minors, under Malawian law. Allowing Mr. Hubbard to evade legal scrutiny is a profound injustice to his alleged victims and a betrayal of our nation’s legal principles.

CSEC demands that the Police take immediate action to ensure Mr. Hubbard faces legal consequences. We also call on the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) to conduct a thorough investigation into Kamuzu Academy’s mishandling of this incident. Those responsible for enabling Mr. Hubbard’s escape, including the Academy’s board and management, must be held accountable.

We insist on justice for the victims and accountability for all involved. The integrity of our legal system and the protection of our children depend on it.

