Grading Got You Down?

Consider ChatGPT Your New Best Friend


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Ugh! We’ve all been there. If you teach at the high school or college level, you probably know all too well what it feels like when those ungraded assignments, term papers, or essay exams start piling-up. And no amount of denial or procrastination or “coffee breaks” makes them go away. (Believe me, I’ve tried.) In fact, as we all know, delaying on grading just makes the problem bigger… and bigger… and… Sigh.

But what if I told you there’s now a much easier way to provide timely, effective feedback for your students in far less time than doing it all by yourself, “the old fashioned way?”

I invite you to consider trying ChatGPT as your new grading assistant. I gave it a go for the first time this past semester and wow! What a difference!

What is ChatGPT?

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a language model designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In other words, it’s a form of Artificial Intelligence. It’s been trained on a diverse range of internet text, but don’t worry, it won’t be suggesting that your students use “LOL” or “OMG” in their next essay. And it won’t take away your job! In fact, it will allow you to focus on what you do best — teach!

Using ChatGPT in the Grading Process: An Overview

ChatGPT can provide an efficient, automated first pass on grading written assignments that your students have submitted online via email or your institution’s classroom management software. You can use ChatGPT to check for common grammar and spelling mistakes, evaluate language use and coherence, and even assess basic content understanding. Here are some ways you can use ChatGPT to make your grading process more efficient.

Catching Grammar and Spelling Errors

ChatGPT can provide a quick review of a student’s work (or even your own assignment descriptions!) to flag typos and common grammatical and spelling errors. For instance, it can pick out run-on sentences, sentence fragments, incorrect verb tense use, and misused punctuation. And, unlike some students (and, let’s be honest, some adults), it knows the difference between “there,” “their,” and “they’re.”

Imagine you’re grading an English essay. Instead of manually checking every sentence for grammar and spelling errors, you can have ChatGPT do a preliminary check. It might catch something like, “Its clear that Hamlet is indecisive.” You could then provide feedback to the student like, “Great point about Hamlet’s indecision, but watch out for those pesky contractions. Remember, ‘Its’ should be ‘It’s’ when you mean ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.”

Evaluating Language Use and Coherence

ChatGPT can also provide feedback on a student’s use of language and the coherence of their arguments. It can identify unclear or convoluted sentences, point out when a student goes off on a tangent, and flag when an argument isn’t fully developed.

For example, in a Media Studies paper analyzing the representation of gender in a TV show, a student might write, “The show is portraying stereotypical gender roles because, well, it just does.” ChatGPT can flag this as an underdeveloped argument. You could then provide feedback like, “I see where you’re going with the gender stereotype analysis. Can you provide specific examples from the show to support your argument?”

Assessing Basic Content Understanding

ChatGPT’s capacity to process vast amounts of data can also come in handy when you want to assess a student’s basic understanding of a topic. It can cross-reference a student’s responses with a dataset of accurate information to see if the student is on the right track.

If you’re a Biology teacher grading a short-answer test about cell division for example, a student might write, “Mitosis is when DNA is mixed between two parent cells.” ChatGPT can flag this as a misunderstanding (since this description is more fitting for meiosis). You could then provide the student with feedback like, “It seems like you might have mixed up mitosis and meiosis. Remember, mitosis is for growth and repair and does not involve mixing DNA between two parent cells.”

Not only is ChatGPT a valuable asset for short answer responses, but it also proves its worth when dealing with more complex assignments. For example, if students are tasked with explaining a complex concept in their own words, ChatGPT can cross-reference their response against a dataset of accurate information. It helps in checking whether the student has comprehended the concept correctly and expressed it accurately. The tool can swiftly pick out any misconceptions, thus ensuring a thorough and consistent review even when the assignments become more intricate.

The beauty of all these examples is that they can happen nearly instantly! It’s incredible how fast ChatGPT works, and how much time you’ll save in grading by having the errors pointed out for you, so you can focus on your feedback

You Bring the Personal Touch

Your unique capabilities as a human educator will outshine ChatGPT in the area of providing personalized feedback for your students. While it can help identify common issues and errors; your personal touch, your understanding of each student’s personality, learning style, and educational journey will make all the difference. You get to bring empathy, motivation, and adaptability to the table — elements that no AI, however advanced, can replicate.

For instance, if ChatGPT flags underdeveloped arguments in a student’s essay, your personalized response might go beyond simple correction. You can encourage a student who lacks confidence, praise an original idea that needs more grounding, or provide resources specifically tailored to help that student develop stronger argumentation skills. You can also interpret signs of a student struggling with a concept and guide them accordingly, something that goes well beyond what ChatGPT can offer.

You are the one who can create a safe, supportive learning environment, and understand the emotional context behind each piece of work, which is a crucial aspect of education that artificial intelligence can’t provide. So, while ChatGPT is an excellent tool to speed up the grading process, it’s your human qualities that ultimately foster a rich, meaningful educational experience for your students.

One Important Note…

As you explore the wonders of ChatGPT, it’s important to remember that this technology, impressive as it may be, is not infallible. It’s an amazing tool that can provide valuable insights and help automate time-consuming tasks, but it doesn’t replace the human judgment, intuition, and empathy you bring to your work as an educator.

ChatGPT can quickly identify issues and errors, freeing up your time to focus on the more nuanced aspects of grading. However, the personalized touch in feedback is what truly fosters student growth and development. Only a teacher can understand the individual needs and learning styles of their students, provide motivational comments, and create a supportive learning environment. And while ChatGPT can help streamline your grading process, it’s your personal feedback that will be the most meaningful to your students.

So, the next time you see that stack of ungraded assignments looming, don’t despair. ChatGPT can lend a helping hand, transforming the grueling task of grading into a more efficient and manageable process. The ultimate goal? To free up your time and energy, so you can devote more of yourself to what truly matters: teaching, guiding, and inspiring your students.

Even though grading can sometimes feel like a solo journey to the summit of Mount Everest, at least now we instructors can have a trusty AI Sherpa by our side. Trust me, it’s much more fun and less daunting to tackle that huge pile of assignments with a little AI assistance. Oh, and you’re still encouraged to take that extra coffee break — only now, you won’t be doing it with all those ungraded assignments hanging over your head! Enjoy!

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Thank you for reading this. I hope you found it helpful. Let me know what you think in the comments? Thanks! (And if there are more AI for Educators topics you’re interested in, please let me know that, too!)



Lynn Dickinson
The EduTech Evolution: Empowering Educators through AI

Writing to uplift, inspire, engage and entertain - but not necessarily in that order. Author of The Writetress (and other stuff).