Why Wait? New Dating App Automates Rejection Message If He Takes Longer Than Six Minutes to Reply

Taylor Henderson
The Eggplant
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2017

The dating app for gay millennials is here!

Source: Pexels

So you swiped right and matched with a cute guy. The conversation gets going, but out of nowhere he stops responding. You pick your phone up again and he still hasn’t said anything a whole three minutes later. Who has time to sit around and wait?

If he can’t immediately answer your every beck and call, he’s probably not the one for you. Now, Speedr expedites the process, and will send you an automated message after six minutes and forty-eight seconds of radio silence with “Sorry, you’re just not my type.” You can even soften the blow with different phrases like “It’s not you, it’s me” or “I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.”

For the men of color, you can download our app attachment called Prefr and chose between more timeless classics. Who isn’t turned off by “Sorry, I only date white guys” or “But where are you really from?”

