What to do when your true self is “alien” to you

Paula Langguth Ryan
The Ego-botomy
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2014


With more and more space exploration to and around Mars these days, I’m reminded of my time in grade school. In third grade, I convinced a group of friends that I was a Martian. I told them I’d show them my antennas, but my parents made me promise not to put them up at school since it would distract the other children.

How easy it was then to pretend I was a newly arrived alien. And how wonderfully that exercise fits in with us remembering who we REALLY are in this world.

Let’s pretend you’re an alien who has just landed on this planet. You come equipped with your particular skills and talents and heart and passion. You can create anything you want and NOTHING can stand in your way, nothing can be lost or destroyed — it’s all energy and it’s only ever converted into something else.

Let’s pretend that you know you are enough and have enough and do enough exactly as you are. Let’s pretend that there has never been any procrastinations or screw ups or missed opportunities or anything else that has ever happened.

Knowing all THAT… and knowing that whatever you create would be magnificent, and would heal this world, and would create joy and amazing things for everyone in your world, WHAT would you want to be creating?

Don’t second guess it, don’t’ try and work through the fears and doubts that come up. Just look at what you would like to be creating. Set all other things aside as they come up. Tell your ego “We’ll look at that later. Right now we’re brainstorming my perfect world and my perfect creations…”

You are enough, have enough and do enough. Always. In All-Ways!

Love you,

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Paula Langguth Ryan
The Ego-botomy

Minister, mediator, mom and more. An irreverent rev with a unconventional worldview: our connections with others make us feel separate, or so says our egos.