Why we feel discontented

Paula Langguth Ryan
The Ego-botomy
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2012


Ever wonder why you feel discontented? Picture a circle. You are this circle. You are all the space in the middle of the circle, One with all that is. Each of us is. That’s just who we are. From our place of Oneness, we decide we want to experience something. Sometimes, what we want to experience is an extension of who we are (Love, Light, Joy, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity). And sometimes we want to experience something we’re not. Let’s say we decide we want to experience what “unworthiness” might feel like.

We choose to experience unworthiness. So we create a situation that allows us to experience feeling unworthy. The sensation is completely foreign to the Wholeness that we are. It makes us curious — how can this be? We struggle to comprehend the feeling, so we make the choice again. We choose to experience unworthiness, abandonment, guilt, lack, powerlessness and the killing off of parts of ourselves over and over again, trying to understand these experiences.

Eventually, we start to think we are the Experience rather than the Oneness. We begin to think we actually ARE separate from God. This belief creates inner conflict. Because we’re having an experience that we’re limited in some way, we then get cranky. While we are cranky about a choice we have made, we certainly don’t want to take it out on ourselves, or take responsibility for our choice. So we choose to take it out on someone else and we begin to see others as responsible for our limitations. At this point, we have completely bought into our limitation experience.



Paula Langguth Ryan
The Ego-botomy

Minister, mediator, mom and more. An irreverent rev with a unconventional worldview: our connections with others make us feel separate, or so says our egos.