At this moment before I sleep…

Faith in the City
The Elitist
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2017

I read today on one of my favourite online blogs, Career Girl Daily one of the 7 ‘things I must start doing’ is going to bed early. Shame on me as it’s 23:00 and I couldn’t feel more awake, with good reason though.

Russ Hollander, master goldsmith describes a similar feeling of waking up before his alarm and staying in his design studio hours on end creating beautiful handmade pieces using a vast array of tools to inbed intricate detail and give each item a unique stamp. Similarly, each post I share, each piece of content I create I am first inspired by thus able to relay the same passion and heart otherwise I’d render it useless.

I remember around this time 2 years ago dragging suitcases and banners out of Liverpool Street station and jumping on the bus 8 to Espacio Gallery, Shoreditch where I launched my then blog* ‘’ * People still ask me a couple of years later “How is the blogging going?” And in my head I reply, to hell. But really I just look at them and smile nod and give the generic a British colloquial answer to most things ‘Great.’

Truth is my 3 day old bloomer from Aldi has an ounce more freshness than that stale tale of ‘15, I mean I spent approximately 6. weeks creating the vision, concept and ultimately invested £1k to gather in a room, strangers, some who have become friends for life and others whom I haven’t heard from since.

**Moral of the story?**

  • There’s no rush to success. Contrary to a group of uneducated friends I once had who where rushing to some place when they really had no place going; I’ve now accepted the painstaking process of practicing patience to master a craft before execution. Hopefully you’ll get to read about this in time if you’re patient enough to join the journey with me.
  • Having a go-daddy domain does not make you a blogger. Need I say any more? No really, need I say any more?
  • Jumping on the YouTube / Social Media hype post noughties is doing yourself a disfavour. Doing so past 2015.. think deep fried plantain without draining the oil. Oversaturated, deeply dissatisfying. Plain embarrassing.
  • You’re a student first before you become a teacher. Failure to do so, you’re questionable, perhaps fraudulent maybe even illegal. You will get caught out & thrown out – immigration controls evidence this.



Faith in the City
The Elitist

Banking Professional in the City of London. Read, Squat, Eat, Pray & Exfoliate (repeat).