Copper HQ: Book Year in Review

Copper Books
The Emerald
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2020

Happy holidays and merry everything from our Copper family to yours!

We hope you can gather together this holiday season, be it on Zoom from afar or in-person with those on your quaranteam. We’re only seven more “happy hours” away from the end of 2020! In a year full of unknowns and uncertainty, we’ve learned that routine brings us comfort and clarity. Our favorite routine by far at Copper HQ has been our team book club (obviously). Every Friday morning our team gathers on Google Meet to discuss our bi-monthly book pick and it’s a wonderful time for connection.

With that, here are the top 3 books we want to be sure you have read or have on your reading list. Use the links below to purchase through some of our favorite indie bookstores and then tell us what you think on Instagram @meetcopper. We hope you love these ones as much as we did.

First up, Together by Vivek H. Murthy, MD is a must-read coming out of 2020. If you don’t do anything else before year-end, just grab a copy of this book. Vivek is the former US Surgeon General and writes eloquently about why human interaction and community are essential to our health. It’s an excellent book to discuss, and our friend Kate Bowler created great discussion questions for your community or group. Why not gather with friends and kick off a 2021 book club discussing meaningful community?

Secondly, it’s the book that launched our Copper HQ book club: The Art Of Gathering by Priya Parker. With great stories and practical wisdom, Priya teaches us the essential elements of becoming an excellent host. All too often, the fear of hosting can prevent us from creating a gathering (or starting a book club). Whether you’re gathering online or planning your dream in-person event (post-vaccine), you’ll gain so much from this book. We certainly reference it often! Here’s an excellent interview with Priya in Forbes entitled Let’s Start Meeting Like This: The Art Of Gathering.

Our third and final must-read of 2020 is Atomic Habits by James Clear. We kicked off 2020 with this book and were both motivated and inspired at every turn. Little did we know we would need solid habits to help keep our sanity when it came to working (and doing everything) from home. James shares incredible content on his website for deeper discussion, such as this article entitled, 30 One-Sentence Stories From People Who Have Built Better Habits.

Whatever the end of 2020 brings, our hope is that you keep reading. Keep gathering. Keep discussing. And in so doing, let’s keep making this world a better place than we found it.

Happy Holidays,
The Copper HQ Family



Copper Books
The Emerald

Copper is the place for authors and readers to connect in meaningful community around books.