How Authors Can Connect With Readers in an Organic Way

Copper Books
The Emerald
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2021

In the wake of the unprecedented events of 2020, books are alive and well. According to a survey by Global English Editing, an editing and proofreading service, 35 percent of the world’s population read more during the pandemic. In March 2020 alone, there were 1.51 billion visits to book and literature e-commerce sites, which was an almost nine percent increase from the prior month.

To the joy of authors and bibliophiles alike, book sales are still up as the world reopens. To build on this surge in a love of literature, we are spotlighting ways that authors can connect with their readers in an organic way. There’s so many things vying for our attention in the 24/7 news cycle, so hopefully in the midst of the noise, we can help authors and readers connect.

1. Book Readings (online or in-person)

The good ‘ol book reading/signing has yet to go out of style. With the world reopening, now is the perfect time to host an in-person book reading. It’s a great way to connect with readers in person and get to know your audience first-hand.

The natural reactions and the “oohs” and “aahs” are so worth taking the time to schedule a reading. Pick your favorite excerpt and share some backstory about the character or your writing process. Readers will be grateful for the “behind-the-scenes” insight into the book. Sign a few copies while you’re there!

2. Social Media

OK, so being an author and a social media maven do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. However, in 2021, connecting with your readership on social media is a vital tool for growing your following and marketing your book.

One great channel to connect with readers is on Twitter. A much more words-driven platform than other social media platforms, Twitter is a great place to tease book releases, book tour dates, and excerpts from the book. Twitter is less about photos and videos and more about quick and to-the-point wit, a perfect haven for a writer.

3. Online Book Clubs

So this route may require a bit more stealth than the others, but one fun way to get to know your readers is by joining a book club. This could be a useful tool to hear first-hand from readers their thoughts as they are making their way through the book. Bonus points if you join anonymously or with a pseudonym.

4. Book Reviews

Another great way to get a pulse for your readership is by reading book reviews. OK, so this can be a tough one. It is not easy to receive negative feedback or criticism of your work. However, a healthy dose of criticism will only help you refine your work and evaluate areas where there is room for growth.

5. Copper!

We couldn’t close this article out without mentioning Copper. Shameless plug here, but Copper offers the next level of organic connection between authors and readers.

An online platform dedicated to helping authors connect with their readers and readers have a social experience around books, Copper is the ultimate destination for all things books. When you join the community, you have access to online book clubs, virtual readings with your favorite authors, exclusive content from authors, and your own virtual bookshelf where you can give and take book recommendations from other users.

What are some ways that you have connected with your favorite authors? Share them with us @meetcopper so we can continue to share them with our Copper Community.

Photo by John Michael Thomson on Unsplash



Copper Books
The Emerald

Copper is the place for authors and readers to connect in meaningful community around books.