How to Start a Successful Book Club This Fall

Copper Books
The Emerald
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2021

It seems like the world got increasingly busy this summer. Now that it’s almost fall, what better way to slow down than by forming a book club? A book club is a unique and really special way to build community around like-minded people who love reading and learning, and there’s nothing better than a curious mind (at least in our humble opinion at Copper HQ).

Below we have compiled a list of ways to get started on building a book club from the ground up. Whether you decide to meet in person or host a virtual book club that creates a space for book lovers regardless of time or location, these tips will help you get started. Happy reading and community building!

1. Connect around shared interests.

OK, so the great part about inviting people to a book club is that you typically know that they love reading (or at least loosely enjoy it.) Use that love of reading and curiosity for learning as a means of connection.

Allow reading to act as a springboard for conversation and discovery of what you have in common with book club members. You can even use books as a topic for fun icebreakers (which is just another way to connect and get to know the people attending your book club.)

2. Pick a time and location (virtual or in person) that works for everyone.

This might be harder to do with virtual meetings, but if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that group meetings via video calls are possible. If you are meeting in-person, this should be a much simpler task. Find a time of day where people are not pressed for time. If most of the people in your book club are working young professionals, choose a time after work hours. If your book club consists of new moms, maybe meeting in the morning or afternoon during nap time is better.

3. Break the initial ice.

This was mentioned earlier as well, but one way to connect with book club members is to break the initial ice or awkward silence. The longer your book club meets, the less likely this will be necessary, but icebreakers are a great way to get people engaging with each other. Think: fun games, clever introductions, or fun questions.

4. Create a space for open dialogue.

One important thing to keep in mind when starting a book club is to create a space for open dialogue. Perhaps make “open dialogue” a core tenet of the book club that is discussed amongst the group. If book club members are told that open discussion (even when you disagree) is welcomed and encouraged, it will create a space of psychological safety and engagement.

5. Leave room for different perspectives.

We all love certain books and characters. There are also authors we hold dear more so than others. In your book club, it’s essential to create a place for people to amicably disagree. It’s OK if two people view a character or an author’s intentions differently. Use this as a jumping point for good conversation — a place to learn and openly ask questions.

What are some creative ideas that have helped you create a successful book club? Share them with us @meetcopper so we can continue to share them with our Copper Community.

Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash



Copper Books
The Emerald

Copper is the place for authors and readers to connect in meaningful community around books.