Tips for Combating Writer’s Block From Authors

Copper Books
The Emerald
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2021

Every great writer has come against the tried-and-true foe known as writer’s block. We asked some of the authors, bloggers, and readers in our community how they break through feeling stuck in the writing process. We loved the responses and we thought we’d share some of their proven tips and tricks for sparking creativity anew.

Below are tips from writers on how to combat writer’s block:

1. Get out in nature.

The feeling of being stuck in the writing process is the worst. One powerful tool in grounding yourself and self-regulating is to get outside. Go for a walk or a hike. Take your eyes off the computer screen for a little while and allow yourself to disconnect and recharge in nature.

Take in the sights and sounds. Allow the rhythms of the outdoors to help you decompress. Breathe in the fresh air and be present in the moment.

2. Create something.

OK, so this applies to any form of creativity. Embrace your inner child. Perhaps, you love to paint or to dance. Maybe singing brings your heart joy. Do something creative other than writing and allow it to stir up your sense of playfulness, adventure, and whimsy.

3. Connect with other people.

When you are feeling stuck in the writing process, connecting with other people might just be your saving grace. Sometimes, talking through an idea or topic with another person helps the creative juices flow. It also might just serve as the brainstorming session that your creative process is missing.

4. Get active.

Another great way to break out of a writing rut is to move your body. That’s right — break a sweat! Whether it’s going for a run, hiking, swimming, skating, or doing yoga, getting active can help spark your creativity. Studies show that daily physical movement is directly connected to improved creative thinking.

5. Read someone else’s work.

The goal here is to create a spark that eventually leads to a flame. Do you remember the age old saying that good readers make great writers? Well, sometimes, to get past the roadblock in your mind, it helps to read the work of another writer who you admire. Perhaps their diction, cadence, or character development will spark your next great idea.

How do you break through a creativity rut? Share your tricks with us @meetcopper so we can share them with our Copper Community.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash



Copper Books
The Emerald

Copper is the place for authors and readers to connect in meaningful community around books.