
Sometimes we’d rather believe the worst possible lie than face the truth.

Allison Divine
The Emotional Mess 2


The thing about the world is, you can’t change it.

No matter how much you want to. It doesn’t matter how much you wish it were different — or easier — or less frightening and ugly. You just can’t change it. It’s like an out of control freight train on a track that heads straight to hell.

To love, to live, to forget, to pretend, to dream, and to die — human beings have so damned much capacity, even in a world that we can’t do anything about.

Sometimes I wonder if we actually have the capacity to draw the line between what is real and what never was — to distinguish between real life and fantasy or even dreams as we hold on for dear life, speeding through space, darkness, and time.

  • Do we ever really know what reality we’re living, or what even constitutes reality?
  • What is it about the truth that makes us lie so desperately to ourselves?
  • What keeps us yearning and trying so hard to reach for something more than the actuality we face?
  • Why do we constantly strive to get to a place — any place — that’s

