Because I don’t score well…

Manish Jain
The Emperor Has No Clothes
2 min readJun 22, 2017


by Shraddha Rawat

That cousin of mine won a TV

In a national GK competition,

And here I am trying to respond to my parents

‘How do you plan to clear your examination?’

Of course they are concerned… I don’t score well.

I heard lately about Einstein

How the greatest scientist was dyslexic

Gladly I told my parents his story

‘Miracles don’t happen regularly’ said skeptics

I understand, they can’t just believe in me — after all I don’t score well

My friends tell me I dance so well and I wish I could learn it

Not to win Dance India Dance but coz it makes me happy

But I have to attend tuitions

One post school, one before assembly begins

This is no time for fun — I know study is priority and I don’t score well

I see on TV and I watch in Seminars

How those leaders walk and talk

But I know I’m never going to be one of them

I worry if I’ll even get a decent job

Yes I’m concerned coz I never score well.

I prayed to god to make me love studies

As much as I love dance

To see my parents proud

I wish I stood a chance,

Perhaps my parents will never be proud, I hate that I don’t score well.

My dance teacher says I learn so fast,

He says I am so hardworking

Where does my sincerity go away..

When homework and tests I’m shirking?

My parents think I don’t work hard, My teachers think I’m lazy.. perhaps its true because I don’t score well

My aunt asked me what I want to become

I hesitantly said an astronaut

She asked me my score in science

And I knew what embarrassment I’d brought

Frankly I don’t think I can do anything big in life.. I wish it was not true but I never score well.

