CBSE Circular on Exams

Manish Jain
The Emperor Has No Clothes
2 min readAug 10, 2016

15th August, 2016


In the larger interest of stakeholders, educational institutes and recruitment agencies, the Central Bored of Secondary Education conducted surveys across India to understand the effect of examinations on the minds and emotions of students. We engaged a diverse group of stakeholders from all demographic strata in a discussion about examinations so that we could have a representative sample of opinions on this hot topic. Circulars with more detailed data will follow.

A survey sent around more than 1,000 schools and 10,000 participants across India found that exams are the most hated aspect about the curriculum, getting an average rating of 1.3/5. A related study considered many aspects of examinations such as stress, validity of questions, reliability of results, impact on creativity and social pressure.

The study completed last month also demonstrates that student suicides increase after the declaration of examination results, compiled from reports from the past five years. Last year there were around 9,000 recorded suicides due to examination stress, pressure and failure. We know the real figures are much greater and we accept the claim that these are not ‘suicides’ but rather murder. All our recent studies have illustrated that the current system of examinations is detracting from the freedom and happiness of our society and children.

Based on these studies it has become clear that exams kill the real learning potential of many students, as students only study to cram for the tests. Furthermore, they promote discrimination against many students who have different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and cultural backgrounds. We have realised that this ‘necessary evil’ is just plain evil.

Thus, this circular is to inform all stakeholders, students, and responsible citizens that the existing curriculum and examination system are hereby discontinued and abolished.

In light of this announcement, we advise schools to sit with teachers, parents, and students to co-create a curriculum and assessment system that is of better value and helps create a sustainable, just and healthy society. The Central Bored of Secondary Education invites proposals for the same.


