Just Asking???…

Manish Jain
The Emperor Has No Clothes
2 min readJul 10, 2017

by Neha Bansal

Under the series #JustAsking. I have prepared certain questions around the current education system to think about what we are being taught in the name of education in schools.

This poster invites everybody to think “Is learning all about the report cards and marksheets we accumulate over all these years just writing down crammed answers during examinations.” I want to celebrate all those cool people who have red marks and grades like C, D, F in their report cards because they didn’t perform well in the subjects they didn’t like during their school time.

This poster invites us to think upon the basics of nature: “Sharing is caring.” Then why it is called something else during examinations. Schools call that sharing “cheating” and punish a child like he has done some serious crime by just copying that irrelevant stuff and try so hard to make him guilty for that moment all his life.

This poster instigates all of us to think why every time only the child is to blamed if he can’t perform well in the subjects he doesn’t even like. Why do schools treat students like garbage bins in classrooms and try to fill their head with every possible litter by promising them a bright future.

