What did I learn in school?

Manish Jain
The Emperor Has No Clothes
2 min readJul 6, 2017


by Pallavi Maheshwari

What all did I learn in school?

In my school, I learned a lot.

My friends, my dear ones used to get punished

I learned how to be insensitive towards their pain

I learned how to make fun of them.

Because this is what should happen to them, RIGHT?

I was the monitor of the class,

I learned how to hide all my insecurities, my fears

My anxieties and my tears,

Because this is what I was supposed to do, RIGHT?

Crying was a shameful act,

Being fearful was embarrassing,

It was a symbol of weakness,

I learned how to suppress my feelings, my emotions.

After all I didn’t want to be counted in weak, RIGHT?

In my school, I had class after class,

There was no scope to take breaks during classes

I learned to control my nature calls,

I remember how a girl in my class, pooped!

Because she couldn’t get expertise in this,

And didn’t has the courage to ask for..

I learned how to laugh at her helplessness..

Because she deserved it, RIGHT?

Students who stood first would get rewards,

I also wanted to be rewarded

So I learned how to get good marks

I started rote learning,

I learned how to cheat, how to manipulate your answers,

I think, this is the only way to learn anything, RIGHT?

It was board exams this time

We all were anxious about the results

I got 76 and my friends were below 65

More than being happy on my false success

I was sad about them

I got back to my normal behavior

But they didn’t, they misunderstood me,

It was not competition but envy,

I learned how to deal with the envy of my own friends,

This is what I was supposed to do, RIGHT?

I learned not to trust others,

I learned how to doubt their intentions,

I learned how to pick faults in end results

Instead of appreciating the efforts,

I learned how to be indifferent towards my own waste,

I learned to acknowledge textbooks as ultimate source of knowledge,

I learned not to ask questions,

I learned how to polish my intellect,

Because manual labor is something beneath an educated one.

I learned how to be obedient, disciplined and submissive.

Yeah unintentionally! In my school, I learned a lot..

Because this is what schools are for, RIGHT?

